ferretmom's Blog
Small Victory
It's a small victory but I'll take it. It only took them a couple of days but now they're kissing butt. I guess once they ran out of the basics they realized who actually does everything around here. I'm not giving in just yet, I think it will be good for them to suffer a few more days. }:) H seems to understand that his underwear doesn't wash itself. Right now I'm going to relax in my nice clean bed and have a few chuckles.
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Another day --another headache
H was told he can't get a job driving because he has too many points on his license. So I have to listen to that for another decade. Not sure how but apparently it's my fault. Sd decided she's going to collage but doesn't have to take the SATs. HUH Things have changed since I went to school. Any way here is a list of what I've done wrong in the last two days.
Went to Fil's house and cleaned it top to bottom, washed walls, steamed carpets, took him a months worth of meals to put in freezer.
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Me part 3
H is always telling me I had a deprived childhood but I think he's just jealous. He was raised in a large city by a single father who was gone most of the time. FIL had to support 3 kids by himself and worked 2 jobs. I was raised by my father and grandmother, my bm flitted in and out of our lives when it suited her. I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone so you couldn't get into any trouble because your parents knew about it before you got home. We lived on the family farm, my dad taught at the local high school.
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My story part 2
In the last 4yrs sd has been sent home from school with ( brace yourselves) head lice. :sick: Once though it was really dandruff that was so bad you couldn't see her scalp. I realize that this can be a problem with preschoolers and very small children but she is 19 in 2 weeks. I had NEVER had a problem with lice when I was in school and neither did my boys. What got me poed was H didn't tell me the real reason she got sent home right away. The last time this happened she went to MIL and gave her, her husband and dog lice.
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H just announced that he is going to take a job driving over the road. He would only be home one weekend a month. I told him there was no way I would stay in a house alone for that long with sd. So he decides she will go live with MIL, he hasn't asked her if it's okay or not. MIL doesn't even want sd in her house so why does he think she'll allow her to live there?? His mother and sf are not in the best of health and can barely take care of themselves much less sd. Then he says that before he leaves he's going to have the internet and satellite disconnected.
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Feed Up
In the 9 yrs we have been together this is what has happened. I have been physically assaulted, called names, stolen from, lied about and so on. At first H backed me up on all decisions but since we moved to TN that has stopped. He says I should forgive her for everything she has done because she's just a kid. More like the spawn of Satan. This kid is an absolute spoiled monster. She has tried to have me arrested, pushed me down a flight of stairs, pulled a knife on me and disrespected me constantly. One minute H says she's just a kid then the next he says she's an adult.
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