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Fedupmama's Blog

Oldest SS and younger siblings

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Upon the arrival of the newest baby, I've noticed my oldest SS1 has become a PITA. If he's not beating up SS2 and setting a horrible example for my 2yr old daughter who is struggling with aggression issues from watching them fight, he likes to pick up the newest baby and it makes baby start crying. I spend enough time juggling a toddler and a 2 yr old, I get so irritated when SS1 picks up his baby brother which makes him start crying. Like f♡《# man!!! I JUST GOT HIM DOWN.... 


How has "checking-out" worked for anyone?

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It has been a long time since I've held my own pity party and cried but I managed to get some tears out yesterday. I could make something up about why, but I know deep down I was just making sure I was still human, I've been on autopilot for so long. We have a 1 1/2 year old together and I was terminated 4 days after I returned from mat-leave, already pregnant with the second one. Ive had severe S-I joint pain since October with this second pregnancy as well. It hurts to walk, pick up my child, bend over.

