Ms. Unreasonable Becomes StepStupid
So last night while SD7 was over DH and I sat down with her and explained how she is getting a big bed and we would like to got through her old big toys that she is too 'big' for now. The only ones I asked her about were the ones meant for 2-4 year olds. She piled up some of the stuff SHE wanted to get rid of (a lot of it was the big stuff so I was feeling proud at this point). After we were finished, I tried to make the first haul out to the car. It did not go over well. SD7 flipped out and started crying and screaming saying that now she did NOT want to get rid of these things and I HAVE to put them back in her room RIGHT NOW. DH tried telling her that she chose these toys to donate/sell. She wasn't having it. She continued to yell and scream, throw things, hit walls, broke one of my Willow Tree angels, etc. So I dumped what I was carrying right in the middle of the living room and left. I text DH and told HIM to handle HIS DAUGHTER and that if those toys were not out of our house by the time I got home I was leaving. I didn't care where they went at that point just as long as they weren't in OUR HOUSE.
I went to WalMart because the roads were cruddy and I didn't want to waste gas just driving around. (I usually go to WalMart just to wander sometimes) Whilst there, I saw one of the hedgehog dog toys that my pug LOVES but his was 2 years old and looking pretty raggedy. So I picked him up a new one (and I did throw out his old one, and he did NOT throw a fit over it). When I got home and gave it to him, SD7 says "Why didn't you get me anything? You never buy me anything. You're a stepstupid, not a stepmom." Oh boy...I probably overreacted but at this point I'd had it with her and DH. I told her no I didn't buy her anything because right now she has enough toys, and no room for anything new. I also told her that I would not buy her anything else, ever, until she can learn to be grateful for what she has.
In the past 4 years I've been with DH, I have spent around 50,000 of MY OWN MONEY (my xmas bonus is used on her every year, I'd like to use it to buy things for myself or our home). DH has not ever bought her a single gift with his own money, I buy all of it. So I told DH that I am done, she wants something, either she buys it or he does but it had best not effect our bill money. I bought the dog a new toy for the first time since we GOT HIM and it cost 3.97. I'm not trying to be selfish, but I haven't bought any new clothes since DH and I have been together unless it came from Goodwill. Just once I'd like to buy something that was never used/worn.
So I am done. Done trying to get her a new bed, done buying her anything, just done. I called the furniture store first thing this morning and cancelled the order for the bed. She can sleep on what she has until she is ready to part with some things, and until she does, she gets nothing new. And for birthday and xmas, all she is getting is rubbermaids to put all of her sh*t in.
I know it seems harsh, but SHE picked out the toys SHE wanted to give away and SHE said SHE would like to see some other girl like them like SHE did. But the second I try to put the project on the move, she, like DH, flipped out.
- Fading's blog
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Oh and the toys weren't gone
Oh and the toys weren't gone either. They went right back to where they were. But the roads were getting really crappy so I just stayed there. Don't know where DH slept last night, nor do I care at this point.
You need to disengage here.
You need to disengage here. You are being used...This child learned that if she bitches, she gets what she want. She learned nothing. This will get a hell of a lot worse when she is about 13. Then all hell breaks loose. When they are not reigned in at 6,7,8 they become a real problem.
She lives with her mom most
She lives with her mom most of the time, its kind of like 60/40. I'm not going to touch anything in her room. I'm leaving it up to her and DH to deal with. No new bed, no new toys, nothing, nada, zip, zilch until they make the decision. I told DH this morning (about 3 minutes ago via text) that if they haven't made a decision by July 1st, it all goes. SD will only have her bed and dresser. That's it. No toys whatsoever. She will also not receive anything new either. And maybe if I'm feeling a bit more appreciated by then she can start out with her bed and dresser and EARN her toys back by doing chores.
Of course the kid is gonna
Of course the kid is gonna flip out a bit. My kid does too. I don't actually take the toys out right in front of her. I wait till she's napping, or out with dad. For a kid with a strong attachment to her stuff, she was gonna react badly to this. you just ride it out for a few days and shell get over it, ya know.
I hate to say it, but I think the flipping out was semi typical kid behavior (for certain kinds of kids...ones really attached to their stuff).
But the part where DH really dropped the ball was responding to the tantrum.. Once you committed to taking the toys out in front of her (probably the wrong move) you do not give in to a tantrum. Ever. Or that simply conditions the kid to act up more. In this particular situation, IMHO your SK acted like a kid. Your DH was the one to blame.
DeeDee, not trying to be
DeeDee, not trying to be rude, had I waited, the tantrum would have followed once she saw they were gone and went the exact way. Her tantrums are in no way normal. She becomes violent and abusive, many times attempting to physically hurt others or break things (she has bit me and drew blood). It's not like I went in and picked up a bunch of stuff and carried it out, she chose these toys and I clarified with her that these were the toys that would be taken for donation/consignment. No child should be allowed to act the way she did, regardless of the circumstance.
No, obviously not, and if you
No, obviously not, and if you had the impression I was saying that was ok, I wasn't.
My point being that tantrums should never be tolerated. I did say that. And DH drops the ball by apparently tolerating them.
But, IMHO, you also shot yourself in the foot. If she was going to have a tantrum anyway, why not get her crap out too? Instead, you got the worst of all worlds, with tantrum and her crap still there.
My daughter initially reacts badly to her stuff being gone too. Either way I do it. But if she reacts badly after the stuff is already gone, it's already gone. Nothing we can do. If we try to take it out in front of her, I believe she thinks if she escalates her tantrum badly enough, there is a chance she will get her way. Which is exactly what happened here.
That being said, apparently it is DH's parenting and toleration of these tantrums that are creating this monster. All he has taught her is that if she pitches a fit, she will get her way. All that is going to do in the future is encourage her to pitch more fits.
Does she still play with the
Does she still play with the baby toys or does she just not want you to throw them out?
No, she hasn't touched most
No, she hasn't touched most of them in a year or more. I'm just afraid with his mothers hoarding habits that SD7 might already be starting in with it.
Plus nobody is going to do
Plus nobody is going to do anything about her saying that you are not a SM, you are a step-stupid?!??!?!? How disrespectful can a person be! And your HUSBAND is ALLOWING it.
Yea, DH just giggled when she
Yea, DH just giggled when she said it. He has the balls of a neutered chihuahua when it comes to SD. Occasionally, he will give the illusion that his juevos may be growing back, but then something like this happens and it's like they just shrink up and disappear again.
Oh Hell no, he "giggled"? As
Oh Hell no, he "giggled"?
As I was reading thru these posts, I kept thinking, "toys, schmoys, I'm stuck on the fact that she called you STEP-STUPID"
That behavior (from BOTH of them) is so wrong, on so many levels I can't even begin.....
I think that wherever he stayed last night, he needs to extend his reservation.
She throws a fit, gets her way, is allowed to call you STUPID, witnesses her father "giggling" at her calling you a name, where will it end?
it would end ----> right here <----
you are not being harsh at
you are not being harsh at all. you handled with far more calm and restraint than i would have. how dare she talk to you like that? i would have told that what stepstupids do is they take back everything they ever paid for, and that little brat would be in a bare room. good for you for disengaging. you are going to feel so much better for having done this. it helped me immensely. sd19 never appreciated anything. she would know that i paid for something, give me some snotty remark about it, then thank her dad. she hasn't gotten anything from me in over 3 years now. fdh doesn't ever think about doing the stuff i used to do, so she just gets nothing other than money for her bday and Christmas. that's what really got me. fdh never made her easter baskets, bought her a bday cake, made her a stocking, etc, that only happened once i came along. but she still wanted to bitch about it. (got her too much of this, not enough of that, she doesn't like this, that's the wrong size, it never ended). interesting how they don't like what you do, but they sure as hell notice when you stop doing it!