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Fading's picture

I don't even know where to f*cking start right now. I am so PISSED OFF I could just...urggghhh! I DON'T EVEN KNOW! I am in tears right now, can't sleep. I'm bawling so hard I feel like my eyes are going to fall out...

So Evil SIL is officially one of my favorite people on earth. She called and I talked to her for an hour about BM. SIL also apologized for all the sh!t she has put me through and was crying because she felt so bad. She was BM's landlord and they were evicted, well apparently they left a bunch of sh!t in the duplex and SIL had to clean it out. She called me to tell me she found something that has me more pissed off than I have ever been. SIL found a notebook of BM's that had different 'plans' on getting DH back, and her current husband is apart of it, and he's in on them. She scanned and emailed me several of the pages. I haven't had time to read them thoroughly yet, but what I skimmed through has me just shaking. Most of it is impossible unless DH consents so I'm not really worried about that, but it's her manipulation and scheming I am afraid of. I will fill you in when I get more info.
I trust DH, I really do. But I know when he picks up/drops off Atilla BM usually makes sure he comes into the house and she is scantilly clad, she usually makes sure that he stays for 5-10 minutes by yapping her head off. This really scares me. With her husband home and Atilla in her room, it would be easy for BM and SF to harm DH or threaten him. (SF has a criminal history) And I know if BM threatened Atilla, DH would do whatever that b!tch wanted.
I know I'm sounding really untrusting right now but I am just so freaked out and pissed. I don't put it past those two to do whatever it takes to try and get DH back to BM. The scheming fat pimply nasty slore! I have no one else to talk to about this...My 'therapist' Crystal is out of the country for 2 months and I know I can't talk to my mum...I don't want to bring it up to DH yet...I don't know what to do...
Do I confront the b!tch? Do I ignore it? Do I tell DH right away?

This notebook was also something of a diary apparently because there is also a page that said:
"Fading will never be a mother. DH will never give her a baby. He knows I am the only one good at making pretty babies with him. Fading is just his toy, DH is just going through a phase. Fading will never ever have DH's babies, only I will and only I can."

(I corrected the misspellings and grammar inaccuracies to make it easier to read) This devastated me because of what had previously happened...(If you read my blog a while back you will understand what I am talking about, it has been deleted now for privacy purposes) I just can't stop thinking about all of this...BM was so nicey-nice all along and this is what this b!tch has been doing...I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER!!!!!!!! I usually don't wish bad things on people, but I can't help it at this point...I just feel like screaming...


Snowbunny's picture


anita...sigh's picture

What Ms. Freeze said!

Get SIL to take it to the police and explain and then a copy to your lawyer. Scary stuff. No way should DH go to her house unescorted by a witness. He needs to know.

We all smile in the same language