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The Aunt, The Enabler

Fading's picture

So SD has been to our house for about 3 'lockdowns' (read previous blogs about our attempt to 'condition' SD, as the psyche calls it). She has been allowed only educational and productive things (work books, educational TV, etc). She was allowed to ride her bike either in the driveway or around the block if DH was with her. Well yesterday, while my SIL (Kong) was there to cut DH's hair, SD decided to throw a fit because she wasn't allowed to go to Kong's and play with her cousins, so she threw her bike (the best she could) and then hit it with sticks, rocks, etc. After getting ahold of her (without sustaining injuries) and having to physically put her in her room, DH comes in and says her bike is broken. He and I both go to speak with SD (all the while Kong is waiting for DH to continue his haircut). DH told her that she will NOT be getting a new bike until she can EARN it herself. She would also lose her outdoor privileges unless she could stop using nature as a weapon (sounds corny but that was the best way we could figure out how to word it). Naturally, Kong heard all of this.
Kong finished DH's haircut and left. SD was condemned to her room to read until she could stop her arguing and being rude, and DH and I sat down to go over some things.
Oh how nice it must be to be able to witness a child acting demonic and toss it under the rug and act like all is a-ok. Kong asked if SD could come out so she could talk to her. DH thought this would be ok, until Kong presented SD with a brand new freakin' bike. DH politely told her that it was nice of her to purchase the bike for SD, but that SD would not be getting a new bike until she earned it herself. I told Kong that she could take it back and get her money back.
Oy veh. Kong decided she NEEDED to play hero. She screamed at ME ONLY saying that I was being f***ing rude, cruel and trying to destroy SD by keeping her locked up like a criminal. Apparently, I am the reason DH and SD's relationship is strained and I am the sole reason SD acts the way she does. If she had known what I was like, she would have kept DH from ever having married me and if she could, she'd have DH and SD leave me so I couldn't 'hurt them' anymore.

This freaking bee-with-an-itch has the NERVE to go AGAINST what we have set for SD and to accuse ME of EVERYTHING that is wrong? This coming from a she-male that can't even control her OWN BRATS? DH told her she needed to take the bike and leave or he will have the cops escort her. She is to not have contact with me or him nor come to our house period. I could just....GAH....pound a minivan to a pulp after that.


SMof2Girls's picture

The nerve of some people! :jawdrop:

But YAY for a DH who stands his ground and takes your side!

Fading's picture

Yes! I was very proud of him. We had a long heart to heart about a week ago about being there for each other and standing by each other. Not only that but I started reading Stepmonster and he read some of it one day out of curiosity and it seems that by him reading some of it, something in his head clicked.

Fading's picture

I forgot to mention that Kong left and CAME BACK. We are assuming she went to walmart since we live only about 4 blocks away from it, got the bike and returned. Also SD did not see the bike.

StarStuff's picture

What a B*TCH. Ugh. I can't imagine blatantly going against a parent's punishment for their kid, and that kid sounds like she NEEDS to be punished. Yall are not being cruel or unusual. It's not Kong's place to intervene in a situation like this, and the brat broke her bike on purpose. Hell no would I buy that kid a bike, the little brat. And high five to your DH for backing you up and using his testicular fortitude.