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How much affection is too much?

EvilAngel's picture

Thunderfoot's BF is over and they look like 2 leeches on the couch. It's making me very uncomfortable and I don't agree with it but DH isn't here and I don't know what to say. I don't care if they hold hands but crawling all over each other is just disgusting. I don't even hang on DH like she's doing. How does one say something about this and what do you say?


Last In Line's picture

Either say something or take a pic and let your DH deal with it when he gets there.

It's totally disrespectful for anyone to do that crap in front of other people.

Disneyfan's picture

I swear when I was high school and in college, you couldn't pay me to act that way in front of my parents. Hell, I'm damn near 50 and still have enough respect for parents to behave a certain way around them and in their home.

Tell them to knock it off and respect you and your home.

EvilAngel's picture

She kind of looks like a monkey climbing a tree. Just legs in his laps arms all over him. Not anything I would be doing in front of my parents.

notasm3's picture

I probably wouldn't say word - but I'd be video taping it along with some still photos.

And lots of people would see those videos/photos.

QueenBeau's picture

Take pics show DH and let him deal.

If it bothers u that much or grosses you out tell him to leave and get them a room for all that mess

ctnmom's picture

I have two grown kids and a teen at home. Clear rules worked for me: Door open. No under the covers, and I have to be able to see your hands at all times. My female cat also will sit on the guests' lap, it's surprising how that limits the hormonal behavior. She such a sweetie, I just know she's an old prude like me!

notarelative's picture

Personally, I'd tell them to stop and act appropriately, and have DH talk to her. But then I have a H who would back me up on this.

Do the boy's parent assume that someone is supervising the kids?
As a parent, when my boys were this age, I would not allow them to go to the girl's home if an adult was not present. If I were the parent of the boy I'd be upset that the adult who is present did not tell my child to stop inappropriate behavior.

If you do tell them to stop and DH is upset, he will soon be changing his name from Dad to Grandpa.

oneoffour's picture

Maybe you could tell them "Please, I don't need to see you two all over each other. This is my home and one of my rules. If you don't like it, go outside or somewhere else. Otherwise hand holding is all I allow. So what is it to be?"

SM12's picture

My OSS and his GF used to be all lovey and affectionate in front of anyone including OSS's grandmother. I was mortified so I called them out on it. They seperated immediately. WHen OSS was still coming over he would want his GF to come over as well. I finally put a stop to that as I caught them BOTH coming out of the bathroom at the same time, and she then dropped her panties on the floor, meaning she didn't have them on at the time. I made her go home and told DH, NO MORE GF at the house. I have enought to do without having to babysit horny teenagers. MSS (12 at the time) had his GF at our house one time...he was sitting next to her on the couch with his arm around her neck and his hand CLEARLY on her boob. DH was sitting tight next to them and didn't notice a thing. When MSS saw me glaring at him, he moved his hand. I told DH about the situation and he didn't even remotely seem phased. I told him he needed to get his head out of his ass and pay attention or he will be a grandpa in a short amount of time. I still predict one of the SS's will get a girl knocked up before they graduate. BM is all into their relationships and gets to be besties with the GF's. She also allows the SS's to spend WAY too much time with these girls at WAY too young of an age. Im sure within the next two years you will see a blog from me about the upcoming babyshower....