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Train Wrecks

Endora's picture

After numerous heated discussions with DH-I have decided I will just watch Zippy the Train Wreck. Not much else I can do, DH seems to think Zippy will come around to getting with the program on his own accord.

At 17 years old -Zippy has not engaged in ONE social activity in his High School-not one committee, not one dance-so basically he will have missed out on extra curricular activities in high school. DH did try to encourage Zippy in the one area he was interested in Skiing-lasts about one month and this year we had a crappy winter for skiing-think he got out twice. Zippy's life consists of sleeping, watching cartoons and movies or X-boxing from the minute he crawls out of bed until the minute he crawls back into bed. This is acceptable to DH as on the weekend DH states

"Endora-what do you want me to do?"

Me silent (thinking-how about unplugging and kicking Zippy out of the house consistently, Zippy will get it finally and find things to do for a few hours outside?) but I have said that so many times only to be told that I am "picking on" precious Zippy.

Granted Zippy does not really bother us anymore (like he did at 13-hanging off his father like a teenage girl, interupping conversations, being DH's confidant, taking over all adult time and space in the house) Zippy lives in his virtual world-he thinks by tip toeing around and not being a "bother"-he can keep his cocoon of video life until his Dad finally wakes up and boots the kid out IF we are lucky at 30.

DH thinks because Zippy is happy and not bothering anyone-why should he stir the pot?-eventually Zippy "will get it" and all will be well. In DH's world.

Zippy is not interested in any social activities outside the house, working outside the home (takes away too much time from his gaming and movies), helping his Dad around the house, is allergic to the outdoors only going outside if it is absolutely necessary-has no manners and is is glaringly obvious from people Zip has interacted with and their feedback to DH. Zippy treats DH like dirt (just ignores DH and goes on his merry way)-nothing for his B-day-nothing for Father's day last year (I bet the same for this year) even when reminded!

Zippy flies under the radar at school-he was assessed with a "learning disability"-(I read the report-it basically said Zippy's parents need to "set him up for success" in the outside world-that the school would give Zippy an assistant and give him "extra time' to do his assignments and tests-school will also give Zippy a lap top as Zippy cannot write (his writing is so illegible he could be a Dr. writing prescriptions full time)-whatever the above disability is-it is not transferring well into the real world as Zippy has proven he cannot hold a job-be on time, sustain a conversation, have any manners.

Zippy after being fired from the job his father got him: "Why do they expect you to be right on time? What's a few minutes here and there?"

This summer I told DH that I will NOT have Zippy lounging around the house videoing his brains out all day-I put Zippy in a teen leadership camp (he has reluctantly agreed to go) whereby he will at least be able to put something on his resume this summer other than X-Boxing 24/7-I have requested S'n'M (Zippy's BM) have him every other week in August-I say requested because between the two of them I cannot wait to hear the lies from both sides as to "Why mother and son cannot spend more than 24 hrs together" She had him this weekend and could not drop him back off soon enough-she bought him two new computer hard drives however (this is parenting to her).


Endora's picture

I will focus on the marriage and our life and leave Zippy to DH-I will need some major tongue surgery in a few years -biting it instead of saying "I told you so".

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

pennyone's picture

I'm going on 3 mo's disengaging and its working well. DH has to deal with it and he is doing a terrible job. SD17 does whatever she wants and treats him awlful. So like Zippy, SD17 will be in the house all summer too because she doesn't want to work. She has such a terrible life..But hang in there!

Endora's picture

Until DH is bailing Zippy out of his latest disaster-

This year we will have

Zippy learns to drive (and doesn't like it because it takes time away from his gaming at home)

Zippy is unemployed (who needs a job when you can game 24/7 at home for free!)

Zippy finishes high school (or rather his "assistant" finishes it for him)

Zippy and Daddykins register for College (WHERE gasp-assignments are due on time or Daddykins is forfeiting Zippy's tuition-which will go over well-I will be keeping Daddykins from a coronary the first semester Zippy flunks out as he will not have his trusty high school "assistant" chasing him around with the lap top)

So there will still be plenty to blog about.....

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!