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Interesting PAS Ruling

Endora's picture

This is in Canada. Good thing BD had money!!!

I believe in the case of PAS the instigating parent is really shooting themselves in the foot!


Anon2009's picture

I hate women who do that too. What especially ticks me off is that they also lead the kids to believe that they are not part of Dad's new family.

That judge is my new hero!

Sasha's picture

It's a shame that he had to go to court 17 times, and went broke to boot, before something was finally done. That in itself is outrageous and should never, ever happen. And people wonder why some dads give up. Fortunately for this guy he will be able to recoup that money.

Endora's picture

A new lawyer and new judge will be a new start to mending fences between your Mom's BF and his kids.

Honestly, I do not know where PAS gets some bioparents-so toxic to the kids in the end.

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

imagr8tma's picture

DH and BM have been at it for years.

In the past, after they were awarded joint custody, She......

- filed a false protective order stating he tried to kill her and their daughter (6 months old). This was dropped due to catching her in a lie. He took his recepit showing he was checking into the hotel room for the next day court hearing when she claimed this.

- she went to the daycare and wrote a letter (signed) it banning him from the daycare. Then returned and added a paragraph banning his entire family and him from any programs. She also did not allow him to get his court ordered Christmas visit. The court date come up to late to get that time back as the court awarded.

- she gives him wrong information about prescriptions...... Until now - when i suggested we talk to the doctor ourselves. We found out she was not supposed to still be giving her all the meds daily. Some of them had been stopped. She only sent them on his weekends. They had been stopped because it was suspected she was not truthful about all of the "allergy, sickness and asthma" instances. Not to mention all of the mother-made food allergies.

The doctor called her on that and now she has stopped sending the 8 different medications that were to be given every day - according to her.

- She lied and said she had enrolled child in cheerleading and dance on his weekends - but got angry when DH called and it was a lie. Besides that she was angry he would not give up the time.

- She sent no clothing for her last summer visit 4 weeks. Cause DH gave her 800.00 in child support the week before and she said he still owed her for 350.00 worth of clothing on top of it.

- She put all of his information in correct on the private school form - so they would not contact him. However, we went and had it corrected.

- She now has accused my DH and I of abusing her. Put her (SD) in counseling for 3 months, AND the counseling notes basically said there are no signs of abuse, SD loves us and loves coming here. I mean BM got really nasty with that. Said we tried to kill SD in her sleep, have abused her so much that she hides clothes to come to our house, told them sd has nightmares about us.... etc. We were both really hurt by this. BUT we do a lot of home videos and picture. So we got her on that - proves her lies. We picked SD up the 10 days before one of the counseling sessions on video - since it was christmas. She was not afraid of us at all and we had a great visit.

- Now she is telling DH she can not come for the summer because of Dance and tutoring sessions. AND she wants us to pay 500.00 a month in health insurance for some plan she wants.

Bogus. We are so damn tired of her..... it is just ridiculous.

She is taking DH to court for more child support again (already been denied in Nov 2008 - supposed to wait 3 years - but she is still going back again.) and to take away his visitation.

She doesn't know that we are adding the modification of child custody to that case. the lawyer has drawn up the paperwork.

I hope this article can help us out.

Endora's picture

BM is making life for everyone around her a living hell!

All I can say is document, document and back up your arguments logically which you are doing.

Hopefully you get a family court judge with half a brain!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!