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DH falls back on ignorant

Elizabeth's picture

So DH brought up SD21 this weekend. I have told him I will no longer discuss this subject with him because it inevitably ends up in a fight. He doesn't want my advice on the topic, he has made that clear to me, so I don't care to hear him vent.

So SD21 told MIL that it is DH's fault that MIL is sick because DH doesn't take good enough care of her/go see her enough.

We have our own life, two kids in activities, and MIL has been ill with a chronic condition for decades. It waxes and wanes, she was down but is now getting better, between DH and I we have been to see her about eight times in the past four weeks (she lives 1.5 hours from us).

Her comment quite upset MIL, MIL told me, I made the mistake of telling DH, he cannot keep his big mouth shut and I forgot there are three in this marriage (DH, me and SD21). So of course he says something to SD21 and of course she denies it and of course he believes her. SD21 couldn't tell the truth if it would save her life. Not exaggerating. So I have no idea what he thought he would gain by confronting her. I have shown him picture proof (posted by her) of her doing something she lied to DH about and he still does not believe she lies. Whatever.

So, he's telling me how SD21 said she didn't say that to MIL, and I told him I didn't want to talk about the subject.

That makes him mad, so he says: "Yeah, I don't want to talk about it either. She's in college and not pregnant, so." Yep, that's his ignorant. As long as she's in college and not pregnant, she can be:
-- A raging liar
-- An alcoholic
-- A druggie
-- A drug seller/supplier
-- Promiscuous (hey, she's not pregnant!)
-- A brat (I'd use a meaner word but I'm a lady)
-- A taker and a user



Elizabeth's picture

I never thought she was pregnant, but I figured she may become so considering he had six kids with four women (at that time, I think there is another on the way now) and was bragging about not using protection with SD. Luckily we escaped that mess...

I always say his expectations bar is set flat on the ground, that way SD can never fail to meet them.