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BM does it again, why is he surprised?

Elizabeth's picture

This is DH's year to claim SD20 on taxes. So he went to file last night and, yep, BM already claimed her. He's all mad, actually acts surprised. Um, why? They've been divorced since SD was 2, decree says DH gets even years, BM gets odd, she still files EVERY year. WHY would you be surprised?

Side note, how old should kids be before parents stop claiming them on taxes? I have a feeling DH and I are going to have words about this because when he claimed SD two years ago he wanted to give her a big chunk of our tax return "just because" without claiming her we wouldn't have gotten as much back. We are paying a third of her college, why shouldn't we get an every other year benefit on our taxes? I think he should cut her loose and let her file on her own, but what do I know?


QueenBeau's picture

I asked my parents to quit claiming me because I was at school on scholarship, working 30 hours a week during school & 40 in the summer, & paying all of my bills other than car insurance (I paid the car payment). I had my own apartment & paid all of those bills.

I asked to claim myself becauase I believe that I supported myself 90%. The 10% was them paying car insurance which I was thankful for but it was much less than what my refund would be claiming myself.

QueenBeau's picture

If her SD is 20, nobody is the custodial parent in the IRS eyes & anyone can claim her with her permission.

Elizabeth's picture

Problem is, once someone has been claimed, when you try to enter their SSN you get kicked out of the system. So he will have to dispute it. Had to do this two years ago, two years before that ... What is the woman thinking? Maybe DH will let her get away with it once?

Elizabeth's picture

The court order extends through SD turning 21, which has not yet happened yet. DH and BM went to court and had this lined out at the same time BM sued DH to pay for college. BM wanted DH to pay half and SD to be responsible for the other half, but the judge ordered 1/3 for DH, 1/3 for BM and 1/3 for SD. This will be the last year the court order covers her college, and it goes to DH. Nobody is custodial.

justbdais's picture

In any family (step or not) the rules regarding of-age children depends. If she is in school, under the age of 23 and you provide more than 50% of living expenses then she can be claimed by a parent(whether that be SO or BM).

Elizabeth's picture

He hasn't let it happen, every time he has addressed it. So I am amazed that:
1. BM continues to do it
2. DH continues to be surprised

bi's picture

if she's been doing this for years, why the hell hasn't he taken her greedy ass to court over it? sounds like fdh. he would likely just sit there and take it because he is lazy as hell.