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dsfsdjfn's Blog

like watching ground hog day...

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the same s**** over and over and over...So I thought we had it all under control...BM was occasionnaly asking for stuff, but id convince DH to comply to have peace on earth, DH's mama (who hates me so much she didnt come to our wedding and now DH and her have not talked in over a year) was out my hair...until yesterday the bailiff came to DH's job to serve him...


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I am sorry I dont know who else to say this to...I am so fed up of hearin about the H1N1!!! media, work, bm calling me about if ss should get the shot, the controversy over it...bla..bla...bla....FED UP OF IT! lololol just had to say this out loud (or out written) thanks for reading lol Wink

inheritance, who gets what?

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Once again, I am seeking your expert advice. Can anyone share with me how they constructed their will?(How they decided who gets what, with Skids?)

I am asking because we are going to sign for our house in a few weeks, and I learned that if we don't have a will, even though I am married, DH's half of the home will go 1/3 to me 2/3 to SS. Althought I agree SS deserves some money in the even DH is gone, I am paying for this house and am not willing to negociate with a 2.5 year old to get my home back (even less with his mother)

Hating everyone..

dsfsdjfn's picture

I am going to ruin my whole weekend and I know it...DH went to pick up SS,and he calls me to say that SS has gastro...and that BM said that if we were unable to tend to his needs that she could keep him this she is so much more qualified than we are to care for a sick child (both DH and I being healthcare professionals, her being a useless thing...)and then DH says he will try to see if she is willing to come drop off SS at his work next pick up date instead of driving the 70 miles to go get him...this coming from him after she harrassed us for months to the point where our lay