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Druz's Blog

Why does she have to be so selfish?

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My mom gave both girls $20 yesturday and specificaly told them to take DH to lunch when he picked them up yesturday afternoon. Well when he asks them were they want to eat SD says she isn't hungry and she is going to save her money for a new phone. BD offered to buy him lunch out of her money but he told her that was ok she could just get herself something and he will eat later, and thats what he did.

She has always been like that, I don't get the complete anability to do something nice for another person!

Updates! SD seems to be doing a lot better.

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SD seems to be doing better since BM moved her to a small town and frankly I think that is the best thing she could have done.

We have gotten along a lot better since the You Tube thing, we still have not spoke of it but she knows I know and I know she

DH knows as well but we just don't bring it up, kind of figure she probably kind of leared her lesson.

But the storm seems to have passed...knock on wood. Smile

Ex-MIL will being moving in with Ex-H..LMAO!!!

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I am So very happy I got out of that horrible marriage before this happened! This was always my worst fear! My ex-H just bought a big ass house he is working on and my ex-MIL just left her husband and plans to move in with him and his fiancee`...LoL

I feel so bad for his fiancee`, my ex is a nightmare in himself to deal with but the two of them together in the same house? Good lord she doesn't stand a chance and I'm sure that is part of ex-MIL's reasoning,.... run her off!! So she can have her precious all to herself! :sick:

OMG!!! If it's not BM it's my ex's family!! Good Lord!!!

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I dropped my BD12 off at her great aunts this morning were her grandmother (my ex-MIL) is staying and I asked her to make sure she kept my daughter out of the drama that was going on with her and my ex-FIL (who is in the early stages of dementia and been addicted to pills for years and recently getting violent by what she says) So she left him over the weekend.

I told DH about Steptalk!

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He said you mean to tell me there is like a whole community of you
I also told him about posting the yourube video and everything getting crazy and guess what he isn't upset in the least. He thinks SD deserved it.

Although some of the comments were wrong and I'm glad I was able to get it deleted. Hopefully before SD saw some of the really hurtful ones.

SD is here this weekend and so far everything has been pretty cool. DH is going to cook out later and maybe I will see if I can find a movie we can all watch together.