Summer School Log Week 2
Some positive results but I told DW that it this will feel like holding a ship's steering wheel in a storm.
Week 2 Day 1:
SS got up at the appointed hour and took a shower. He made a freakin’ mess but that’s another subject altogether (see my earlier blog entry). He texts DW later that day to say he got an 80% and an 85% on two tests he got last week. DW called me at lunch to deliver the good news. While I am happy at these results, I keep my enthusiasm curbed. I’ve seen this a hundred times before. SS gives us a snapshot of a set good test scores but the final grade results are piss-poor. I come home from work to find SS playing and DW reviewing his homework. He had an assignment which took him all of ten minutes to do.
Week 2 Day 2:
I emerge from my shower to find an exasperated DW standing in SS’s bedroom doorway. DW turns to me and says “I don’t know what to do! SS won’t wake up!” I quietly walk over to the kitchen pantry and retrieve a pot and a metal ladle. I walk right into SS’s room and start beating my kitchen instruments right over his ear. SS jumps up and is utterly startled. “Why do you have to be so mean!” DW says. “He’s going to be upset now!”. I look at DW and say “At least he’s awake. Let me know if you would like me to wake him up tomorrow. I’ll gladly provide the service free of charge.” SS is a total grump. He’s bitching about everything; about being tired, about having to go to his Dad’s on the weekends, about having his summer cut short…It’s all a ploy to garner sympathy from DW. He has no homework after school and he is giving me the silent treatment.
Week 2 Day 3:
Took DW 20 minutes to get SS out of bed (DW refused to let me get him up as she thought the method I employed yesterday was incredibly cruel). After school, SS went straight into his room to tackle his homework (about an hours worth).
Week 2 Day 4:
DW lost it on SS. Not only did she have a hard time getting him out of bed but SS was giving DW some serious attitude. “Do you want to WALK to school!” DW yelled “Because that is FINE by me!!! I have to get up an hour early BECAUSE OF YOU!!!”. SS cried. DW didn’t give in (which is rare). DW also laid into SS about wasting his lunches. Yeah, I know. I couldn’t figure out this one out either, especially since I laid into SS for the same thing last week and DW accused me of being snappy (WTF???). At the end of the day DW informed me that SS got 100% on a pop-quiz. DW also informed me that SS has a project to do next week. “100% on a pop quiz is really good but when is this project due?”. DW says it is due early next week meaning that SS will have to work on it while he at his Dad’s. “Yeah. Good luck with that.” Was all I said.
Week 2 Day 5:
SS got up by himself without any nagging or prompting. I think DW’s little pep talk from yesterday may have sunk in. “You better work on this project when you are at your Dad’s.” DW warned “When you return Sunday, the first thing I want you to do is show me this project COMPLETED!!! You understand?”. SS nods and off they went to tackle the day.
- Drac0's blog
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DW said I wouldn't have liked
DW said I wouldn't have liked it if I got woken up like that. :?
Urm, I get up at 5:30 every morning WITHOUT the use of an alarm clock! Ever since BS was born I haven't used my alarm clock once (It's been 4 years now).
this made me LOL - my dad
this made me LOL - my dad used to do that to us!! (our bedrooms were directly across from eachother so he could kill three birds with one stone
of course i am NOT a morning person, so it was with some moaning and groaning, but we usually all ended up laughing about it once we were positioned vertically.
thanks for the happy memory
My dad did this to get my
My dad did this to get my sister and I up during summer vacation. Very effective.
Hee hee...SS hardly talks to
Hee hee...SS hardly talks to me anyway. So I am really wondering what that would accomplish.
SS: "I hate you and I am not talking to you!"
Me: "Really!? Trully!? Can I get that in writing?"
LOL! You should see some of
You should see some of his texts. Mind you SS isn't solely to blame here. The future of communications technology is assuring that the written English language is going to hell in a hand basket.
I went on a "vacation" once
I went on a "vacation" once to a friend's parent's place. Her SF decided one morning to wake us up with a pitcher of ice water over the heads. Not exactly sure why. They got up early to do chores but wouldn't let us do chores with them or even hang out with them...
But a minor child having to attend summer school is a completely different scenario than two adults visiting a farm!
If the military would accept
If the military would accept Drac0's SS (I HIGHLY doubt it) it would be the BEST thing for him!!!
Love the pan and utensil idea.
Also like a chinese gong, reveille or an air horn.