SS breaks DW
SS would routinely forget his bus pass at his father’s. So far this year he has done so about 4 times. I can’t remember how many times he did it last year. Each time, DW would cover for him. I refused to and even told DW that she should start refusing as well. But each time she spots him some cash and tells SS “You’re going to pay me back!”. This morning she did the same thing. She gave SS cash for the week telling him that he is going to pay it back.
I laughed. DW gave me a look and I just said “Halt! Or I’ll say halt again!” (My crude imitation of Robin Williams making fun of the British bobbies who don’t carry side arms).
DW grumbled something and we just went on our way to tackle the day.
I came home later to find DW on the porch with a smoke and a beer. SS is in his room crying. (Reset water-works meter)
I ask DW what is wrong.
This is what she told me:
DW came home to find that SS had bought a friend over. They were downstairs playing on the Xbox.
A) SS is not allowed bringing friends over unless he asks permission first.
SS’s exams are in two weeks and he is under strict orders to hit the books as soon as he gets home.
DW snapped. She yelled at both kids (which she felt bad about because it wasn’t the friend’s fault). She packed all the kids in the car and drove the friend home.
Now you ready for this STalk, because this next part made me :jawdrop:
She then drove SS to the bank and told SS to withdraw ALL the money she owed him PLUS an extra $20 (a total of $80) She then drove to the nearest convenience store and told SS to go buy a student pass for the week to replace the bus pass he left at his Dad’s.
SS was in panic mode “What do you mean?”
SS had never had to buy anything for himself before.
DW repeated “Go inside the store and buy a student bus pass for the week!”
SS didn’t want to go and started to argue, saying this wasn’t fair and that he doesn’t know how to buy a bus pass. DW got out of the car. Calmly walked over to SS’s side, opened the door and dragged him out of the car by the arm. I can only imagine how this must have looked to the convenience store clerk!
So needless to say SS was pretty sullen last night.
Nicely done DW! Nicely done!
- Drac0's blog
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Ah well. My story is like the
Ah well. My story is like the multiude of stories you see on the blogs here. DW does have moments of clarity and when she does, I am hopefull that finally things will change, except they don't and SS languishes and prances through life without having to suffer any consequences of his actions (or lack thereof).
Halleluya!! (or whatever, I
Halleluya!! (or whatever, I don't know how to spell that!)
Hallelujah- I only know bc my
Hallelujah- I only know bc my SS sings it all the time...
Brownie points for DW, hope she keeps it up.
Usually parents WILL hit a
Usually parents WILL hit a point where they just don't want to do EVERYTHING for their "child" anymore. Usually. Looks like she hit it. At least for now.
cue the cry-o-meter... lol!
cue the cry-o-meter... lol! she stepped up and made him go buy one- awesome!
"on the porch with a smoke and a beer" hehehe story of my life
Yeah, usually DW will save
Yeah, usually DW will save Fridays for the day to decompress and always with a bottle of red.
So a beer and smoke on a Monday night is not a common occurence for her.

I'm sure in your eyes it took
I'm sure in your eyes it took forever, but at least she finally saw the light! I know you were laughing just imagining the scene as it went down!!
LOL. No she didn't buy a six
LOL. No she didn't buy a six pack at the convenience store, but you reminded me of something that happened in the mall last Christmas.
DW was shopping and wandered into *that* area where the perfume and skin specialists are all over women passerbys trying to goad them into buying the next make-up craze. Well one woman literally grabs DW and says "Oh my god! Your eyes maam! You look like you are suffering from Periorbital Edema!"
DW snatched her arm back and said. "Yes! It's called 'Having children'!" and walked away.
(No subject)
*giggle snort*
*giggle snort*
Ok now comes time to be nice
Ok now comes time to be nice but don't overpraise or she'll "Monday morning quarterback" her move thinking. . .HMMMM Drac0 thinks I did the right thing so I MUST have been TOO HARSH!!
WAAAAAAAY ahead of you
WAAAAAAAY ahead of you thinkthrice!
Some real, genuine parenting
Some real, genuine parenting from DW. Bravo Draco, bravo!
Yes. Piggy bank ran out
Yes. Piggy bank ran out though. SS's screw-ups are starting to get more costly on DW.
GO DW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO DW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!