Guess what I found in SS's school bag
Stupidity and laziness are not a good combination and SS has both in spades.
He was outside with DW and the kids having a water balloon fight. DW was watchin them while I was inside trying to knock more things off the list.
DW was using my power screwdriver in SS’s room the other day and I went looking for it. The moment I walked in, my Spidey Sense started tingling. For one, SS school bag was zipped up and tucked neatly away. This struck me as odd because I overheard SS saying to DW moments earlier that he was doing some homework. If this was true, then his bag would have been open and it’s contents spilled on the bed.
So I started snooping.
What did I find?
Well apart from a large half-eaten bag of potato chips (which explained why SS hardly ate any supper), I found a hunting knife. Not only that but I actually found the receipt of the hunting knife. SS purchased it from a sporting goods store close to his school a month ago with his ATM card.
SS’s school has a VERY strict no weapons and no drugs policy. If a student is caught with any of those, it’s immediate expulsion. Our neighbour said that a kid got expelled for having a steak knife in his lunch box. The parents pleaded the case but the school administration wouldn’t back down. No weapons means NO WEAPONS and this includes knives of ANY kind.
I call DW and tell her what I found.
For everyone out there in stepparent land, DW immediately ran through the gauntlet of Disney parent defence parrys.
“Why were you snooping in SS’s bag?”
“He probably forgot he had it.”
“Well last camping trip he said he wished he had one....”
“Be thankful that I am vigilant DW.” I said. “I just saved your son from expulsion!”
DW’s face went downcast. She knew I ws right. She called SS in and challenged him.
SS went through the usual skid-lot of dumb-dumb defence parrys
“I dunno”
“I forgot.”
*reset waterworks meter*
I’ve confiscated the knife.
I have half-a-mind to put it up on ebay.
- Drac0's blog
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Sporting good sold him a
Sporting good sold him a hunting knife! I don't know the laws in your state, but in mine, they DO NOT sell to minors with out an adult present.
When my SS14 went to buy his, the sporting goods cashier wouldn't even take the money from him or hand it to him, it all had to go through me first.
I would be upset to know the store sold it to him to start with!
That's a good point. Problem
That's a good point. Problem is, my SS is tall so he probably could pass for a 21-year-old.
If he's irresponsible enough
If he's irresponsible enough to buy a weapon and "forget" about it the kid needs his room tossed on at least a weekly basis. DW needs to have the seriousness of this impressed upon her. If he can forget all about it what's to stop him from forgetting it where BS or BD can get to it? This kid can barely make toast, he does not need to have access to weapons.
I answered this in my
I answered this in my post.
DW: "Why did you go out and buy a hunting knife?"
SS: "I dunno"
DW: "You KNOW if you get caught with this in school they'll expel you right?"
SS: "I forgot."
SS: *shrug shoulders*
You have excellent spidey
You have excellent spidey senses!!!
I'm not a superhero, just a
I'm not a superhero, just a parent.
OMG. I normally find your
OMG. :jawdrop: I normally find your posts about your SS antics hilarious but this one is really worrying.
Can you pursuade your DW to try to get to the bottomo of the reason SS bought the knife and is carrying it around with him?
The best theory we've come up
The best theory we've come up with is SS has a friend who has one and was showing it off. SS thought it was "kewl" and he wanted one but he knew if he asked DW for one DW would say no, so he went out and purchased one by himself.
Idiot boy. Pity we are in
Idiot boy.
Pity we are in different countries. Your SS sounds like he could be the younger twin of mine. They could have fun being tall together. Do you think that the thinning oxygen at altitude they breath due to their tallness effects their thought processes?
This And complain to the
And complain to the store management for selling a knife to a minor!
better yet. make dw and ss
better yet. make dw and ss go return the knife together.
I would be worried if your SS
I would be worried if your SS thought that he needed a knife for protection of some sort... Is he having problems at school with any of the other kids? Or i suppose, is he one who might be threatening another kid with it?
>Is he having problems at
>Is he having problems at school with any of the other kids?<
Yeah. They fuck up the bell curve for him.
I don't know if I agree that
I don't know if I agree that he felt he needed it for "protection", there is probably other boys at school that carry them and he wanted to also.
My SS is 14 and always carries a folding knife or folding blade on him, but at home/after school only. He is always hunting, fishing, wood working, and helping around the house and like my husband relies on it a lot.
He never carries it to school!
See, I would be okay with
See, I would be okay with this IF SS was an "outdoorsy" type which he's not.
^^^^^THIS^^^^^^ Then I would
Then I would have turned the tables on him.
SS to Drac0: "I think something is missing from my backpack. . ."
Drac0 to SS: *shrugs shoulders* "I dunno."
See how he likes a taste of his own medicine.
Sadly you'll never get anywhere being a "narc" on SS with DW. She will defend him to the death until he's wearing orange if YOU bring it up. She needs to find this stuff out on her own. You may need to creatively manufacture karma without having your fingerprints on any of it

I know I had to resort to this type of guerrilla warfare because Chef was the exact.same.way.
In 12th grade my brother went
In 12th grade my brother went deer hunting and put the rifle in the trunk of his car. Went to school the next day. They just so happened to have dogs sniffing the cars that day and he was expelled. They didn't care that he forgot it. He never got his HS diploma.
I'm sorry for your brother
I'm sorry for your brother but this is why, when it comes to weapons of any kind, we cannot be forgettful.
Completely agree.
Completely agree.
Grind it down to a butter
Grind it down to a butter knife and make him use it at every meal.
You know...I JUST inherited a
You know...I JUST inherited a machine grinder
Words I can't stand to
Words I can't stand to hear...
"I don't know."
Well SS, I don't know why I am giving you a see thru backpack and just tossed your other one in the garbage. Beats the shit out of me why I am going thru your room on a nightly bases.
Prince Hygiene started
Prince Hygiene started REEEEALLLL early with the " I dunno" routine. And Chef would buy it. He actually said "I dunno" when he was asked by Chef WHY he shit all over my house. I knew full well why!!
DUP-stupid web filter
DUP-stupid web filter