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dowd1250's Blog

A crying shame

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So DW and I spent last night walking around town without the Skid (he was at his grandmothers. It was peaceful and pleasant. This morning, mil calls and wants to talk to DW, she of course is still sleeping. So I let it ring and have the machine pick it up (caller ID is a great thing - and I have made it known to DW that I will not talk to mil for previous altercations mil and I have had, it pisses mil off but I will not be dragged into issues that she seems to think that I am doing wrong). Anyway, DW finally wakes up and I inform her that her mother has called and needs to call her back.

another day in paradise

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Well, today has been no different than any of the other days. OK a little but only petty stuff. Got up, sson was already up and had his breakfast and was ready for school. DW was busy on her laptop with misc paper work (we ended up about an hour north for an interview for her). I walked Sson out to the bus and waited with him (as usual - just to make sure he gets on the bus and goes to school).

feeling drained

dowd1250's picture

Well drained and wiped .... new here and will be more later.... sson is really getting on my nerves and well would probably be better if i didn't do this in front of him so more later

thanks for the acceptance....