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doubletrouble114's Blog

That book oh that book

doubletrouble114's picture

Okay ladies let me ash you something do you think that it is okay for your dh to be friends with his bm on facebook when they have made dh life hell. The first bm won't eben let her daughter spend the night since we got married so in my eyes that is not your friend dh says its another form of communication but one of the bm wont even use the firstf orm which is the phone, so am I over reacting or reacting just enough im not jealous but i feel like they only want to be dh friend to be in our business. idk let me know whta you guys think

Need serious advice dh just doesn't understand

doubletrouble114's picture

:? I feel like my dh is being soft towards the bm of his children. I just feel like he caters to her way too much and she walks over him. Now we have custody of his two younger childen because she basically abandoned them for three years and then wanted them back but of course the jugde said no. but she only wanted them cause we got married adn didn't want them to be my sd and ss. now her oldest son lived with us whom my dh raised from birth and I considered him my ss but she took him away from us cause she could.