BM and her attorney playing *more* games with the CO
As I posted before, BM refused to sign the CO. FDH's attorney *finally* calls and says the CO was sent to BM's attorney for BM to sign; BM finally signed and, it had been sent to the judge to sign. We get the CO yesterday and the whole thing has been re-written!
The first clue something was up was the fact that FDH's - who signed the CO *first*, the day after court to be exact - signature was *not* anywhere on the document. At first we're thinking maybe they courthouse sent an unsigned copy to BM's lawyer. Anyway, FDH tells me to go ahead and read it to make sure he didn't agree to anything "stupid." So I read it and almost had a heart attack.
The judge's ruling in the court room was 91 days summer visitation, every Christmas, and every other TG and NY, and every other weekend if FDH gets stationed in GA again - providing, of course, FDH is stateside. This is the paperwork FDH signed. This is in no way, shape, or form what the CO that we got signed by BM says.
To begin with, the CO we got in the mail says that the 91 days summer visitation is "subject to the approval of the scheduling of the mother." Um, so if BM doesn't approve, FDH doesn't see his son? This was on the 2nd page of the CO; at the point I asked him if that's what he signed and what the judge said. FDH says "he11 no!" so I started reading it out loud to FDH.
The CO then continues that if and only if FDH see's his son for the 91 days in summer every summer will he get further visitation which will start in 2013!!!! So according to this document, BM has the right to tell FDH no to summer visitation, yet if he *doesn't* see his son for summer visitation, then he is automatically denied any other visitation. Oh, and lets not forget, FDH is scheduled to deploy next year, so there's an automatic visitation there's no way for him to get.
Anyway, beginning in 2013, provided he has maintained his 91 day summer visitation schedule, he gets FSS every *other* Christmas, TG, NY provided FDH is state side.
Finally, the CO goes on to state the FDH has to continue to pay CS through college should FSS decide to attend. No mention of how many classes he needs to take, progress he needs to make, grades he needs to maintain - nothing. Just to be clear, this is *not* starndard in the state of GA.
FDH has been trying to call his attorney all day today and has also sent his mom to her office to try and figure out what the he11 is going on. His mom also read the CO and when I talked to her this morning about what is in the one we just got, she also said that's not at all what was in the one she read on they day FDH went back the court house to sign the CO. I hope to he11 BM's attorney gets disbarred for this. Now everything is starting to fall into place. *This* is why on the day FSS was supposed to be coming home with FDH, all of the sudden, she wouldn't let FDH take FSS. *This* is why she refused to sign the CO while FDH was still there. *This* is why it took so long for her to sign PERIOD - because she was waiting for her attorney to re-type the CO! To make matters worse, the judge signed off on the copy BM and her attorney sent back to the court house, *NOT* the original FDH signed! OMFG! I want to strangle her untill her eyes pop out of her ugly freaking head!!!!
My baby is being born tomorrow morning at 7:30 and I so want to be excited, but I just can't. I am SO FREAKING PI$$ED!!!!!!
- doll faced sm's blog
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That's ... unbelievable. What
That's ... unbelievable. What a scumbag.
Try to take deep breaths and tell yourself that BM and her awful attorney will get what's coming to them ... Karma is a bitch.
sounds like you have a BM
sounds like you have a BM from hell too! I'm so sorry and hope that your lawyer can figure out what the heck has happened? What i don't understand is how his signature got on the wrong custody order! Something fishy is definitely going on.
On the other end... you're having a BABY tomorrow, try to put this to the wayside for right now and you and FDH get some much needed rest before the big day tomorrow. Are you having a boy or a girl?
There is no way a reasonable
There is no way a reasonable attorney would do this. I live in GA to. You need to file a grievance with the Bar assoc on this. Your attorney needs to get involved quickly. What a witch...These BM's are unbelievable. Good luck and keep us posted....
I agree!! I think BM's
I agree!! I think BM's attorney thought that the changes to the wording were so minor that no one would notice and it would just be filed with nothing else said about it. Of course, I could be wrong, and he could just be a world class arrogant j@ck@ss. FDH's attorney called him back today but said she didn't look through it before forwarding it on to FDH. She assumed that what she got back would be the correct thing, so only checked to make sure BM's and the judge's signatures were on it. She'll "try to make time" to look over it tomorrow b/c, no, it doesn't sound like what he got is what was agreed upon. To be honest, I'm ticked at FDH's attorney, too. She has showed her incompitance over and over and over again. I may not be a genius, but at least I could tell if my client was getting screwed!
Get the transcipt from the
Get the transcipt from the court case. It will cost you. However once you have the transcribed actual case. Then you have grounds to stand on to have it changed back to what it is supposed to be. The Judge will not play lightly with the lawyer and BM twisting his or her words.
You can send the highlighted portions that don't match up, to the opposing lawyer and ask for the changes to be made accordingly. If not send it to the judge or have case filed to have it corrected.
She and her lawyer should not get away with that crap.
Your attorney should be
Your attorney should be reprimanded. She should have caught this....Seriously you need to file a complaint with the GA Bar Assoc.