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Bad words in this

Doesnteatcrow's picture

BM, why don't go out and play a game of " go hide and fuck yourself."

In a few hours my ss12 almost 13 will go in for surgery", it will only be twice in the last 10 days. You typical right? In reality it will be is 12th surgery in 2 years. And after the emergency one let week means other one next week.

And we have all of the behavioral shit going on and well, I am always the ass!!! The teachers email personally and even after they were his teachers still come to visit him.

I have to stop thinking about my personal life and out together packages of marketing stuff to deliver tomorrow to land 2 clients on the edge. They are on the edge... SS13 ( from now on) will be ok... SS 9 was the one I was worried about and he is sleeping at a friends house ( no school tomorrow) but he had to stay late tonight at school fro chess club ! Umber dork... But, he is my buddy!


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Wow! That's a lot of surgeries for a child that age. What are they for? If you don't mind me asking.

I love telling people to go play the game of "Hide and go fuck yourself". LOL

Bubbly1's picture

I'm gonna have to use the "Why don't you go out and play a game of Go Hide and fuck yourself!" That's just awesome.

What are all the surgeries for? Poor guy, kinda feel bad for him. Surgery is scary to begin with but, THAT many has got to be terrifying. Then on top of that you know more are coming!