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Decieved's Blog

FINALLY met with SD and had "The Talk"

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Well, we finally got together in person, and it actually went well. We had dinner (she came to my location --we live about three hours apart) - so that was a good start. I still have to question her sincerity given how she has continued to deceive me in the past. Her apology appeared to be heartfelt, or she is a very good actress - still not sure which, but time will tell. We worked out an agreement on our loan issue, and if she holds to her word, I should be repaid in full within the next six months, no more.

Making things happen

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Told DH last night that I was handling the loan issue myself. Text SD this morning telling her I want to meet personally next week to discuss with her - alone - in a public setting. Neutral territory. I can almost guess her response. But can guarantee that DH will get a phone call from her first.

Day Two

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It feels so good to know that I am not alone in this, nor am I crazy for thinking that my SD is totally out of line.

First Day

Decieved's picture

This is my first day on StepTalk and I am grateful to have found it. The issue I have been having with SD has been eating at me, and although I have talked to numerous friends and family, I get conflicting advice. However, here, everyone seems to understand as we all have similar issues. It hurts that during the past ten years I have believed that my SD and I had a decent relationship. I have treated her with respect and have made every effort to build a healthy relationship with both she and my SS.