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Where's the justice?

ddakan's picture

after 10 years of this skid bullshit, we're almost to the finish line. the next few months will be the last of them. June 30, 2011 is my date for freedom.

i honestly, could care less if i never see the little mo fo's ever again!!!

when do i get to tell sm she's a piece of shit for hating on me all these years and calling me a psycho devil worshipper? i'm just pissed that i don't have a big damn trophy on my counter right now for all my self restraint!

does anyone understand what i'm saying?


stepsonhatesme's picture

I completely understand!!! I also have a countdown.
June 22 2011......6 months 12 days.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

August 9th, 2020. Don't even get me started. :sick:

I don't count SD4 on the countdown. Her mom and I are friends and I only have her half the time, so she's really nice to me. I realize this can change, but I'm an optimist. Enjoying it while it lasts.

ddakan's picture

it almost killed me a couple of times.....but i stay alive just to piss them off!!! }:) i'm called evil, well now, i embrace it.....LOL hahahaaha!

hang in there mommybear!!! you got an army of support!!

imamess's picture

Haha that made me laugh out loud. Thats a brilliant motto to have. Stay alive just to piss them off!

ddakan's picture

yes, i meant BM when to i get to tell her she's a (*&#(*$&$ *(*#$&~! ha ha my time is a comin!

it'll be a showdown to slap the hoe down!!!

Cinderella was probably a brat's picture

"it'll be a showdown to slap the hoe down!!!"

AWESOME! LMAO!!! I'm using this in the future if you don't mind. Smile

Milomom's picture

AAHHH ddakan! You are so close to the finish line!! I'm so jealous!

Congrats - after 10 years of skid bullshyte, you deserve the best!!

When it's showtime, let us know - I'll bring the popcorn!! lol

NCMilGal's picture

I have a countdown too - May 20-something, 2014.

That's when SDstb15 graduates from high school. Doesn't mean I'm going to quit speaking to her; it just means we're legally free of EVER having to speak to BM.

DH is going to send a no-contact-or-we-get-a-restraining-order letter.

Rags's picture


My Skid no longer has to see the toothless morons.

Now, if I can get the Skid off to the AF SOON all will be right with the universe.

tofurkey's picture

2022.....AHHHHHHHHHH, it's soooooo farrrr awwwwwaayyyyyy. Wow, now that I see the date it writing I think I am going to go throw up, lol.

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

I thought the same thing when my step kids turned 21...yes 21. I thought it was ALLLLL over. Then is really started. Let me tell you what comes next.

The grandbabies without baby daddy and some with baby daddy start arriving. Then they need money money money. Then the big hospital birthing events which they expect enough people that it looks like a parade. Then all the bay bay showers with lists of gifts they expect from furniture to money. Then the car repairs that cost more money all in the name of transporting around the prescious wonderful baybaby. Then the Christmas and Birthday parties and emergency room episodes which happen often. Now, at the er hospital episodes, everybody is expected to show up that lives within a 75 mile radious...night or day. Now of course BM and her family are at all these events. Then the halloween celebrations where you are expected to buy or special order the customs so baby wonderful can be paraded around and ahhhhed and ohhhhhh over. Then school clothes for baby wonderful needs because nobody ever seems to have enough to support all these grand baby wonderfuls. I could go on and gone. Always because -THEY ARE MY GRANDCHILDREN.

IT seems that the BM calls more now than ever "discussing" all the needs for baby wonderful because sd don't EVER EVER have enough money and it is not baby wonderful' they plot and plan on how to help sk with baby wonderful. It is so pathetic.

It has stopped to some point when BM calling bitcing at my hubby about sd needing more money to fix her car again and hubby explained he paid all he could. BM called hubby a mf crazy sorry father. That was pretty much it for him because he realized he didn't have to listen to that crap anyore. Now Bm works only to support all the grandbaby wonderfuls.

So, my point never stops calling and wanting money money money for baby wonderful instead of sd. Our lunatic bm still calls.

There-I feel better now.
So my advice to all you younger stepmoms---nip that shit in the bud if this happens to you,

purpledaisies's picture

Mine is May 2017!!! I'm jealous of all you all!! Blum 3

I can tell you right now that my dh would never ever allow bm to that to him. He will tell bm that his kids are grown and have a phones and they can call him themselves and to never ever call him.

As a matter of fact bm's dad told her mom the same thing one time. Bm got mad b/c daddy dearest wouldn't come help her and give her money yet again. So her mom called him and caused him out and told him what a piece of crap he is for not helping is GROWN dd. He told her to never call him again and if she did he would be taking to the step. He then called bm (his dd) and told her that if she ever expected him to give her money when she refuses to help herself (get a job) then not to call. He also told her that if her mom called b/c she wined to her about it that she would be in trouble by him. It was too funny. Bm's dad has told her so many times that she is in the wrong for not working and expecting dh to pay for everything and her blaming dh for everything. He really hates that his dd turned out the way she did.

ddakan's picture

O M G.......yea, the bm is about to get her ass handed to her when the money runs out....if she freakin calls here asking for money for the little bastards bastards, i'll cut the head off and burn that voo doo doll i made of her...oh wait, i already did that }:) LOL

ownpersonalopinion1...i love what you said, it teaches me what could come and how i need to watch for more b. s.

this shit just never ends, it just goes into a completely different dimension :sick:

but i am encouraged, i love you people out there, you're the best friends i've had in years because you feel my pain!!!

ddakan's picture

ls1988 you are an inspirations to the rest of us.....sweet dreams are made of this!!!