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dawnmblack's Blog

maybe he's finally getting it (more venting, LOL)

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So I've be doing alot of thinking about this engagement. We're planning on a wedding around valentines day next year. Although I love my bf more than anything in the entire world I will not settle for anything less than being #1.I have been married before for 8 long years and I will not go into a marriage unless all issues are worked out beforehand as I am not going though another divorce. We have been talking alot lately and even went to see a counsellor. I have narrowed it all down to one problem. He is worried about upsetting his ex.

Not even sure what to say but it makes me feel better to vent, lol.

dawnmblack's picture

I've been feeling so frusterated lately and even getting migraines when the sd comes. I get horrible migraines that are so bad I go to the hospital to get iv medication as it's the only thing that works. Anyway, I've thought and thought about the problem and it all comes down to one thing, BM. Yes, I know I should let it go but I'm the type of person who thinks over situations over and over again. My bf says omg can you stop bringing that up, but I keep bringing it up because it's still unresolved.