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stepmonster backlash

dakotamom's picture

So i've been reading Stepmonster and had it sitting out on the living room table because i'll read it when DH is watching something on TV i dont care about. My DH's parents came over this weekend to babysit my dog while we were away for the day - didn't even think about the book being out. MIL has been quiet to me ever since. I'm wondering if she's pissed when she saw the book and thinking what could be wrong with her darling grandchildren that i have to get a book to cope and understand things with them.


caregiver1127's picture


zenjetset's picture

My FIL had the opposite reaction he told my SIL that he was impressed with me because I went out to the library to get reading materials to help me deal with the two stepdaughters. He said he knows I really love and care about his son and granddaughters. Said BM would have never done that for them! Maybe it's the title she assumed it was negative instead of positive reading. I have that book, but hid it from stepdaughters because of the title. I now have placed a cover over it (made out of a paperbag- old school). Lol!

starfish's picture



i was beginning to think we were nothing but bitter, wicked, resentful, skid hating old hags....

thanks for clearing that up for me!! Smile

txcajunmom's picture

yeah i'm really wanting to read this book but dh is so sensitive when it comes to his kids that i'm sure he'll get offended by it somehow...think i'll read it at work.

oilandwater's picture

Now there is a whole other blog... Why are they so sensitive about their kids? I have no problem listening to his opinions about my kids, heck I even agree with him a lot of times.

zenjetset's picture

Excuse me, sorry I don't mean to be rude, but it's a free country and you can read whatever you want!! If dh is too sensitive maybe he should step out of room or house for you to read. This is something that will be of value, not a hinderness to your relationship with dh and HIS kids.

txcajunmom's picture

i agree 100% but right now we are in a really difficult situation where we are all a little on edge... just in case you havent read my recent blog...long story...but now that i think of it, he may welcome the idea since i really could use all the help i can get right now!

dakotamom's picture

there are so many times reading the book that i want to hit hubby and say you do this and you allow that. but i keep quiet because when he saw that i got it he about hit the roof - back to teh earlier comment about them being so sensitive about their sperm creations.....ugh. some days i can't help but think he should have pulled out those 2 times....dammit anyway

starfish's picture

i feel this way all the time:

"i can't help but think he should have pulled out those 2 times...."

dakotamom's picture

it's at least a funny way to justify it!!!! I'm calmer about his being sensitive about his willy than about the not so perfect sperm creations

mommylove's picture

I borrowed it from the library last Monday and have been reading it at work when I'm on breaks and at home when I'm on the throne before my nightly shower (I know, TMI - LOL!) When I take it home I keep it in my purse, so I don't know that my H even knows I have the book. I do, however, think my H is the type that would be upset by the title alone without reading any further to understand what the book is actually about.