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BM2 arranging SS16 social calendar while he's suspended from school

DaizyDuke's picture

Aw, isn't this just the sweetest thang?? So DH hasn't spoken to SS16 since Christmas.... hmmm funny how that works. Anyway, he gets a text yesterday from BM2: "SS16 would like to take you to lunch where do you want to go?" So DH calls SS16.

DH: Just got a text from your mother about lunch or something, but why aren't you in school?

SS16: Oh, I got detention because I've been late to school a few times and I didn't go to detention, so I got suspended.

DH: (hearing a bunch of background noise) Ok, well where are you now?

SS16: Oh, I'm just walking to the store with my buddy.

DH told him he wasn't going to do lunch, but maybe they could go today since SIL is cutting BS6 and DH's hair after school in SS town. Ugh, I really don't want BS6 around that pot smoking, school skipping punk, even if it is his brother but whatever.

Am I the only one who's head spins around exorcist style, that BM2 is arranging lunch dates for her almost 17 year old who is suspended from school? Oh, but y'all take a wild guess as to what super special event is looming on the calendar in less than 2 weeks. If you guessed daylight savings time, the first day of spring, or St. Patrick's Day, you are wrong.. no soup for you.


Tuff Noogies's picture

lunch dates? wow. yup time to butter dh up for the inevitable gift grab.

i love the reward for skipping, how nice to get some extra freedom just for slacking!

MIL tried that $#it with dh, gave him an envelope from the school saying oss is pushing it and may not graduate with his class due to too many unexcused absences, had written all over it what dh needed to do to fix it for him. dh laughed and threw it out.

i just dont get it how total slacking is perfectly acceptable to these GU's.

DaizyDuke's picture

He's been a criminal since at least the age of 11.. when he got caught shoplifting. I know that he did something else (we're just not sure what) that got him referred to a youth court type program called JAWS where he had to "work" (read community service) the summer that he was 13. BM2 is so stupid that she tells DH this and acts like SS had a "job" Well because I work in a school district I know that you can't get working papers at age 13 unless it's for farming or delivering newspapers and I also know that JAWS is a program through Youth Court in SS school district that stands for Juvenile Assigned Work Services.

I think that she thinks because she is dumber than 25 boxes of rocks, that everyone is.

robin333's picture

Wow, my SD'S birthday is in a few weeks too. We haven't seen her or SS since Christmas. I have had DH reach out several times since January and offer an invite. Just never a good time for them.

I bet the suck up will start very soon. Big surprise though: she already got her bd gift, that's what I consider that dental bill from February.

Oh, and BM is a dumn*ss, no wonder SS is getting suspended -,he gets rewarded!