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Another one of those BM's that is going to be the Best SM EVER

Daisymazy2's picture

BM's oldest DD (not DH's child)  married earlier this year.  She has 1 child and her DH has 2 kids.  She has announced that she is now pregnant with an "our" child.  

She has managed to turn her child's dad into a "dead beat dad".  He so much wanted to be in his child's life.  He has paid and still pays his child support on time but She has refuses to allow him to see his child.  The CO gives her complete control over his visitations.  Since the guy is in the military and is often on tour of other countries, she would get mad and tell him  that he needed to put his child first.  Yeah,  I am sure Uncle Sam would just understand that he could not do a tour to Japan because crazy BM is demanding that he take his child for visitation.  She was having her DS call Step dad,  DAD.   Her DH was having his kids call her "mom" because she is just the best "Bonus Mom" EVER.  I am sure they are they are turning those kids against their mom.  

The Bio Dad did take her to court a few weeks ago but I am not sure the outcome.  I am not sure if he was able to see his son or not. 

It really bothers me because she was claiming just a few short years ago how great Bio Dad was as a father.  She  posted some pictures online showing her son crying and upset after his dad left.  She says "This is how he acts after seeing his father".   She put the pictures up when he was about 2 or 3 and now the child is 5.  I feel so bad for her son and his father.  

I just can't comprehend why she thinks she is the best SM EVER when she is a very crappy BM for not letting the kid see his Dad.


lieutenant_dad's picture

You get into this headspace when you don't see your kid as a separate human being but as your possession and property to do with as you please. It's really that simple.

strugglingSM's picture

The BM in my life did this. When she decided she wanted a divorce she kicked DH out of the home they were renting and told him she’d call the cops if he showed up again (not sure why he believed her, since he wouldn’t be breaking any laws by being in his own house and she was the abusive one, not DH). 

Four months later, he current husband moves in with his child. By the time I met SSs - two and a half years later - they were referring to BM’s husband (they had, had a wedding ceremony at that point, but never got legally married, for unknown reasons) as their dad. They were also referring to his son as their brother. 

Two years prior to wanting a divorce from DH, BM decided she was going to be the next famous family blogger (apparently forgetting that she has no interesting thoughts and the writing ability of a 6th grader) and was writing all about how DH was the world’s best husband and father.

Some women are just so insecure that they will do anything to appear worthy of praise. That means BM told DH all about what a “beautiful, beautiful man” her current husband is (he is not..) and how he was a successful businessman (he is not and finally had to get a retail job because he couldn’t make it selling get rich quick schemes on the internet...he also spent a year working as a “real estate agent” without actually listing one house and probably without him even showing a house to any clients). We don’t hear much about him or his son from SSs anymore. I’m hoping he meets his next wife at his retail job and leaves BM high and dry, so she’d be exposed for the fraud that she is. 

Regarding SSs, they were in therapy, which I thought would help them become more independent thinkers, less easily brainwashed by BM, but we recently found out that she stopped taking them. They started therapy less than three months ago when according to BM they were in crisis and too traumatized to see DH. She was convinced that a counselor would tell everyone that SSs time with DH (currently EOWE) should be reduced and apparently when the counselor didn’t, she lost interest. She also likely noticed that she was losing her death grip on one SS’s thoughts and beliefs when he was meeting with the counselor. So apparently, after less than two months of therapy both SSs (including one with a diagnosed anxiety disorder according to BM) were miraculously cured of all their emotional ills and no longer in need of therapy. I was hopeful that therapy would at least allow overly dramatic SS to be sort of normal around us, but no, BM stepped in and put a stop to that. 

Simpleton21's picture

This must be a typical HCGUBM tactic.  SD is currently in therapy while BM is trying to blame DH for all of SD's problems.  DH has been attending every other session.  I think it is pretty clear to the therapist that SD's issues are stemming from BM.  I'm sure once the therapist doesn't blame DH and confronts BM she will stop taking she did with the last therapist....

justmakingthebest's picture

BM2 is the same way. She helped her BF get full custody but when it comes to her kids - all 3 of their dad's are just the worst humans ever. RIIIGHHTTT... it's always everyone else that is the problem.

thinkthrice's picture

better watch his back.  Soon he will be getting visitation denied and lambasted with a massive CS order.

Daisymazy2's picture

after the baby is born.  She was talking crap about him before she married him.  He thought she was cheating on him.  Knowing her track record, she probably was.   

I will actually give them a year and the poor guy will never know what hit him.