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dad123's Blog

break up and 10 weeks later....

dad123's picture

hi all. we broke up back in april and been doing well. this site helped so much then. thanks for all the positive and not so positive advice. some i like some i didnt but it was all so helpful and addressing the situation!!!! been keeping busy and giving all my love to my kids (3). she had one who she though was the second coming.... the imbalance and consideration was sad and hurtful and i could not take the resentment anylonger. we were going to move in together this summer and i broke it up over issues that were small to her but big and real to me.

we broke up, its sad

dad123's picture

thanks for the the support given. its been since monday she gave back the ring. still obv feeling the pain. i had nothing left to give. tried to communicate i was hurt by actions of excluding us often and the anxiety i would have if i would need something from her. felt she knew she didnt want to give as much as i offered to her. i could have acted the way she did so there would have been a balance but it is not my nature and not how i was raised (we have opposite upbringings). there were no issues with the kids (i have 3 she had 1).

excluded step dad and his kids

dad123's picture

i joined yesterday and i thank everyone for taking the time and offering support. yes i called off the engagement with my finance over little balance in the relationship. i have 3 kids (normal visitation schedule) she as one 24/7. we were not living together and were planning on moving in this summer. i felf i was always there for her and wanted to help and be a big family. being a nice guy i often went out of my way to offer help and support.

is excluding normal in a fused family

dad123's picture

my fiancee has a young boy and i have three (2 girls and a boy). as a merging family i alway want to include them in all my life. she likes things seperate. sure were do things all together but she often like and prefers too exclude us too. her son is 7. her best friend as a little girl 6 my daughter age. when we met i thought the 2 girls would be great friends and would be nice to have play dates. they never got together casue it is her sons special friend. we also were not included in her sons bday party it was only for his school friends.

step dad and his kids excluded

dad123's picture

im a father of 3 with with a typical visitation schedule. my new fiancee has one child. im a great father for all for kids. i always extend and treated hers like mine. i grew frustrated because the feelings are not the same. my kids were not invited to her son bday. he turned 7. i was asked to save the date by my finacee and would not switch weekends with my ex wife due to his party when she wanted me to switch. then the kids were not invited. it was only school friends. this is something i would never consider doing.i always include him in anything we due.