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The Weekend

CrazieCoconut86's picture

This weekend went well. I was worried how SS4 would react to having GM83 living with us now. SS was able to tolerate the crazy woman. At dinner saturday night, GM decided she would try to get SS to talk to her. SS is a good eater and that is the only thing he wants to do when food is in front of him. His goal is to clear his plate as quick as possible so that he can get back to playing.

GM: Do you know what this is? (Pointing to a carrot on SS's plate)
SS: (silence) shovels another fork full of pot roast into his mouth
GM: You know what this is, don't you? (meanwhile, this is in baby talk.)
SS: (silence) he puts his fork down and stares at his plate, then gives me a look as to say "What is wrong with this woman? I just want to eat my food."

The look was priceless. I wish his father could have seen it. GM was up SS's butt all weekend. At one point, DH put SS down for a nap and GM didn't realize it. She wanders into his bedroom to see what SS is doing. She comes back out and looks at me, "He is sleeping?" I just said yes, DH put him down about 15 minutes ago.

As soon as SS was up, she was watching his every move again.

I think this is how my next few years will be. GM being up the butt of either DH or SS. She seems to care less about me, unless I am cooking food and she wants to say not to make so much because she won't eat it. She eats it everytime. The other time she wants to know what I am doing, when I am knitting. I am a beginner, so I tend to pull out what I am working on several times before I get it to where I like it. This just perplexed her to no end.