BM2 is back and the taking of things has already started
Although I enjoyed not having SS14 around last weekend, it came with a price. About £30 to be specific.
BM2 is backing living here in England. She wanted SS for the weekend so I had him pack his things and off he went. Blissful peace and quiet. No listening to him swear and argue with the PS4. No listening to that strangled deep puberty voice. No looking at his face. It was very nice.
Then he came home and DH quickly noticed things were missing. His super warm one piece Stitch pajamas. BM2 decided it would be left at her place for when he visits again, he has pajamas. His medicines that he has to take every night so that he has regular bowel movements. Those were left there because BM2 thought she could use them next time SS had a visit.
So the battle of keeping things that she never paid for has begun. Plus she's already trying to get DH to meet her somewhere. Sorry, your visit - your travel problem.
To give DH credit, he did tell her that she is not to keep anything we send with SS. We have paid for them, therefore get returned to our household. He is not supporting two households. Great speech but I don't expect it to actually sink into her GU brain. I don't expect the regular visitations will last either. She's already suggesting that she come to our area and just take SS out for the day. Dog forbid spending too much time with her own child.
SS is going to her house this weekend as well. Lets see what never returns this time. Round 2 about to commence.
I detest alcohol so I'm going to get drunk off of coffee and chocolate this weekend. Possibly forever.
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Yay for some time off and I'm
Yay for some time off and I'm sorry it's started on such a negative note. The taking of things is very contentious for so many. For us, we let it go to be honest as it just wasn't worth the fights. We actually just buy stuff once a year for Chucky and chalk it off to peaces taxes.
In the words of that annoying
In the words of that annoying Disney song, I shall be letting it goooooooo and leave it as DH's problem. It's not a hill to die on just very annoying. I much preferred it when she lived on a different island.
cooookies - you will have to
cooookies - you will have to start drinking lol.... or you are not going to survive this.
Why blame BM2 for everything, SS is 14 and old enough to tell her, No Mum I'm taking my stuff with me..
I see black in your future with a dancing wine bottle
Old enough by number but not
Old enough by number but not mentally. He's on the autistic spectrum. Everything's black and white, cut and dry. If mummy "suggests" he leave those things there, like she did, he just does. He doesn't get it...and she damn well knows that.
We had some of this to work
We had some of this to work through with the SpermClan. Key items would regularly seem to not make it back to our house from the Skid's SpermLand visitations.
Interestingly he would come home with new shoes and clothes periodically but never the high quality stuff we left our home with. New cheap flea market clothing, Walmart clothing, etc...
We would have to inventory all of his stuff upon his return home to see what appealing items had been absconded with.
The excuse was always either "Oh, I did not realize...." or "But, that we bought him new stuff. The other stuff was getting too small and we thought it would be okay." which was complete crap since my bride is a consummate shopper. The kid never had too small or worn clothing and never had anything but high quality brands. She kills herself shopping deals but I made sure she was clear that spending more on quality was less expensive than buying low quality cheap and then having to replace it early.
Invariably the nice stuff that did not make it home would show up on one of the younger SpermIdiot spawned also out of wedlock half sibs school pics.
So... we started invoicing them for stuff at full retail replacement price (not the deal my bride had actually paid for it) and informed them that either they immediately send a check for the amount invoiced, immediately return the items, or we would see them in court. It mattered not to us.
We made sure that they had the clear message that when it came to our family property they did not have the luxury of thinking and they needed to ask first or for damned sure return the kid's stuff when the kid returned home from visitation.
They would grumble and usually return the item fairly promptly.
An interesting evolutionary behavior that came out of this was that they would ask us to return gifts that they had purchased for the kid so that the half sibs could use them. Those requests included requesst for any of SS's clothes of toys that he was no longer using. Nope, it would have cost us nearly as much to box it up and send it to them as it would cost for them to replace it and we were not in the habit of doing favors or chores for them.
SO only had skids EOWE. He
SO only had skids EOWE. He was always buying clothes and shoes.
Skids would come here in rags or clothes that were 3 sizes too small. He would go out and buy clothes so they had something to wear during visitation. They would wear their new clothes home and leave the rags at SO's place. They would return in more rags, leaving their new clothes at their mother's. When asked where their clothes were when they came back, they always has the same answer, "They were in the laundry at mom's".
It got to the point when the skids returned home, they wore what they were in when they came from their mother's, leaving their new clothes here. Then they started to sneak their new clothes home either in their knapsacks or under their clothes they wore here. SO started buying them cheap clothes twice a year. When they disappeared, they were not replaced.
The "division of things"
The "division of things" between homes is an issue with us as well. WE buy nice things for munchkin SD10, and she regularly outgrows them, as kids her age often do. So for example, she had kept the bathing suit I bought her at moms house so she could use the pool at the apartment, meanwhile she would forget to bring it back, and then not have it for our days at the beach. Oh well, she wore regular stuff under the wetsuit, and was able to enjoy swimming in the pool. I let it go. This time, I bought her the swimsuit again, and my SO IMMEDIATELY established it was NOT to leave our house to go to moms house. Same with other things.
It sounds like this is temporary, so ensue with that chocolate!!!
Well he will now go there
Well he will now go there with the bare minimum and cheap clothes.
It's not really about pajamas and a bit of meds. It's the 5 years of b.s. she's thrown at us. It's all the things combined into a never ending crap storm. It's a collection of mole hills that has formed a mountain.
Never gives us any CS, never invests any time in SS. Talked b.s. about DH to SS, plays games with DH because she thinks she owns him. All the b.s. that never ends.
I couldn't give a poo about the pajamas so much as I wish she'd just fall off of a damn cliff and leave us alone.
Thanks to everyone for your support <3
girl - just call my name and
girl - just call my name and I'll be there... taking care of BM........
how I'm not telling but guaranteed she will never bother you again.. }:) }:)
Lol this is why I love you
Lol this is why I love you Acra
is SS still pooper pants? and
is SS still pooper pants?
and stop being so quiet... I know you are freezing to death.... but you can wear gloves typing
Hasn't pooped lately.
Hasn't pooped lately. Fingers crossed.
Kidney stone been kicking my butt since Christmas Eve. It passed, got rid of the infection, got the infection again. Feel like death warmed up. Twice.
now I'm sounding like an
now I'm sounding like an advert or promotional person
search A Vogel remedies for that, December I was told my gal bladder is not functioning properly...I read somewhere Dandelion is the answer, found A Vogel remedies for gal/live and bladder... taste terrible but hey hey hey works like wonders, month later gal is functioning on 70% again.... I still drink the drops 3 times a day and will keep this up till June...
Best part of it all, loosing weight as well so my Gal was probably not working at all lol...