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cocoxo's Blog

Anyone with fulltime stepkids?

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I have a baby, a full time job (40 hrs (9-6)), a part time ss9 and a fulltime sd7 (different mothers). My husband and I argue constantly about managing our time. My sd is almost always the reason for our arguing. She is now 7 but when we got married, I was made to believe that she would only be spending a few months with us until her mother got back on her feet. Well, her mother after the years never got on her feet and seems to continually make worse and worse decisions.

Nasty habit!!!

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SS8 has a nasty habit of not cleaning himself well after he uses the bathroom. I have found #2 on his clothes, his laundry basket (which I threw away) on the shower curtain, as well as other places. It's disgusting.

Is my baby not as good as your first 2?

cocoxo's picture

8 days ago, I gave birth to my first born. A beautiful, healthy baby boy. He is nothing short of perfect.

My sd5 lives with us. When I married my husband last summer, the situation was that she would be staying for only a couple of months. Now, we can't afford daycare and I'm stuck watching her while trying to give full attention to my baby. I'm tired, spread to thin, and starting to resent sd5. I have already been resenting my husband.

Feeling stuck

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I just found this site. What a lifesaver! I've really enjoyed reading other stepmom's stories and learning that I'm not the only one who feels like it's important to be honest about their situation.