Coco21's Blog
Single dads and their baby mamas
Hi all, I just wanted to say...I recently ended an engagement with a single dad and as hard as it was, I feel at peace with my decision (took a long time to get here). The question I have for you all single dads always have an emotional connection with the their kids mom? I get a lot of people tell me, while I was on the fence about staying or not, that men always cheat on their girlfriends with their baby’s mom because she is always present and they share something special (a child together), even if things are rocky now.
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Should I Stay or Run?
Hi all, I am new to this forum but in need of some good advice. I was in a 3-year on/off relationship with a guy who has a 3-year old daughter. We got engaged a few months ago and just recently I decided to end the engagement. Throughout the relationship, my finace was not being thruthful about his situation with the bio mom. There was quite a few things that happened where my trust for him was broken. Plus, he made very little effort to spend time with me since he was the primary parent.
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