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cnd62107's Blog

she's trying to take away his visitation...oh HELL no

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my bf was served with papers yesterday from bm's lawyer, a motion for suspension or termination of visitation. she claims she knows "through conversations with her daughter" that not only is my bf using marijuana both recreationally and while visiting his daughter, but also that he takes sd to parties where alcohol is being consumed and there is little to no adult supervision, and that he has left her in a hotel room with strangers. she says that she fears for the safety of her daughter if the father's visitations aren't terminated or supervised by her or someone of her choice.

i love sd but feel i have no option but to!!

cnd62107's picture

i love my sd5 as if she were my own. she loves me as well and she's a total joy to have around. even though i'm usually ready for her to go home by the end of her visit, i often find myself missing her between visits and thinking how much i'd love for her to be with us when we're doing something i know she'd enjoy. my fh has told me on many occasions that he wishes i was her mother and i wish the same thing.