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Typical shit

Chmmy's picture

The skids will be home soon from their big 48 hrs with bm. I wanted to stop at target for a few things and the cart is full of things for the skids. Every where we go we have to buy them something.  Even Menards, he bought them candy. Cant we just get a few things. Why are we buying school supplies if that was BMs portion of school expenses. I hope you feel better about yourself DH when you buyy things for them. It makes up for being a piss poor parent.

I have 2 items.  Skids have 15. DH forgot his wallet. 


Chmmy's picture

He says it all comes from the same till, which is true but I get tired of defending what I spend when usually half of my credit card bill is stuff for his kids or his house. 

Chmmy's picture

I didn't say that but I did ask him why he fillled the cart without a wallet. We spent 167 total. I spent about $6.  His reason was it is all the same but every month i get questioned on tthe amount spent on my card. Ive actually made dtailed lists and make an ass out of him when most of it is not mine but that list got in the hands of SD who took a pic and started sending it to people

MissK03's picture

Cant forgot your "wallet" when there is Apple Pay and Samsung pay (not sure if they name is accurate I'm an apple user) 

Have him set it up on his phone.

Chmmy's picture

Its more about he cant help but buy things for the kids. He is so desperate for their love and approval. He is custodial parent. BM sees them usually 4 days a month. She left the kids on the street 4 yrs ago and drove off with her boyfriend. The kids chase her love and approval. It is a difficult shitshow to watch.

Findthemiddle's picture

It just sucks - hear you.