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Chmmy's picture

Got the cameras set up.  I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I didn't have the nerve to do it, it's invasive.  At this point, I don't care.  SS13 says to DH, "I don't like being monitored."  Too bad you fucking lying piece of shit.  They want the cameras on only at night or when no one is bout no.  Years of opportunity for these kids to gain my trust.  They went from lying to lying about me.  Cameras 24/7 kiddos.  If they don't like it please move to your mothers home.


SubstituteMommy's picture

WooHoo! I'm going to do this, too! SD9 is super sneaky and dishonest. As long as she lives in this house full-time, cameras are going to be a necessity.

Maxwell09's picture

I can NOT wait until I can I can install my system. You could even tell them "okay sure" about not filming during the day while they are there but do it anyway. Knowing they are being watched will help them become sneakier so make sure you regularly check them to make sure they are covering all the blind spots. 

EveryoneLies's picture

The irony is that they don't see it's they themselves who brought this situation upon them. They will still blame you for everything. I hope your DH will start learning to be on your side. Or better, perhaps the kids will just move to their moms..


halo1998's picture

if one mine said...I don't like being Monitored...I would have said 

Well I don't like lies and theives in my I guess we are even.

Our cameras alert us if they are moved, etc. 


Chmmy's picture

I'm not trying to capture their every move but I only want to protect myself from false allegations.  I don't care what the kids do.  I'm pretty done here.