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Having a good time w/ my kids ~ but need to avoid myspace!

Chel Bell's picture

Have been very busy, the kids are having fun, and their little brother is enjoying the attention. We were online the other day, and they were talking about their step brother, and I told them that he has a myspace page with a recent pic on it. So of course they checked it out, and then my daughter asked if BM had a page still, I said yes, but it's also private,but her pic. is up. so she looked at it, and BM has a new pic of herself.....and she really looks alot like me in this pic!!!! She is alot "bigger" than I am still, but she has the same hairdo that I used to have, same color hair, same eye color(that is nothing new, can't be helped), and our smiles are similar as well. and it just hit me how much we do resemble eachother, with all of those things being the same. I feel really grossed out, and I no there is nothing to do about it, and I never wanted to see it before, but my god!!! My DH is still out on this topic, he says that because we are so different as people, it takes away from the resemblance.......and he admits to having a "type", things that he likes, and I have them, and so did she when he first met her. He still thinks that she looks terrible now, cause she is about 300 pounds,overweight, and the clothes she has are nasty, and they look sloppy,and she could use a little make up. but I guess I could say at least she fixed her hair.??. She is on the make for someone new also, so she is really trying. It just disturbes me a bit.......just had to share this strange and nauseating story. Will jump on again soon when I have more time....running w/ 3 kids (especially my little one) keeps me on my toes every day.


Sia's picture

I am glad I do not look a thing like BM. She is japanese. I am Irish...not even a closeness is there, thank goodness!

bellacita's picture

stay away in the future!! im glad ur having such a good time w ur kids!! we miss u!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin