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The future..., was sooner than I thought!!!

Chel Bell's picture

Today started out as a boring day, and then, my SS called! I was so surprised to hear his voice. He was with my MIL , and wanted to talk to me after MIL gave him the card I made him. It was so good to hear his voice, have not spoke to him directly in almost a year! He said...." I miss you Chel, I love you guys, how is my little brother"......I was starting to cry by that point! He said as we talked how "great" it will be later down the road when we can see eachother again. I really hope so too. Any thoughts I have had, any worries about the future with him, I will put to rest today. He wants to be a part of our lives so badly! I'm happy for that........just wanted to share, great moment......great day! Smile


bellacita's picture

those kids are great kids, against and despite all odds w whacko BM!!! im sur eit wont be long until that day when u will be seeing them regularly. keep the faith!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin