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ChaosIsCommon's Blog

To clarify on the contact with bioM

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so, I came into this relationship 2 1/2 year ago when SS was 3. He was fine with me at the beginning, but it almost seemed like when bioM realized I wasn’t a fling, all of the sudden SS would say things like he doesn’t want to come over with me. He is possibly ADHD, neither of his bio parents have gotten him officially tested and diagnosed. So some of the behaviors he has could be from that, but he has told us before that bioM told him he doesn’t like me. I found out I was pregnant (which we thought was not possible) about 6 months into the relationship.

Hard SS because of bioM

ChaosIsCommon's picture

I have been trying to think of how to post what I’m feeling. What questions to ask? How to explain my situation... Is it sad that I want bioM to get full custody just so I get a legitimate break from my SS? He is 5 going on 6 and is not in school. We have had him a lot over the past 2 years since there is no custody agreement it’s whatever works for bioM, but it’s like he completely regresses in every way possible when he goes to bioM for an extended period of time. He is aggressive, towards other children, towards adults, it really doesn’t matter who you are to him, his parents included.