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ceecee32's Blog

how do you handle this???

ceecee32's picture

I was wondering what different kind of responses I would get to this question.
If I ask my dh anything about schedules with skids, ask nicely to talk to one of them about something etc. He freaks out like head turning around voice changing scary freak out.
He then leaves for a little while comes back and says something stupid like oh your nails look great?????
THis is his way of telling me we will not be discussing this again.

new here

ceecee32's picture

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a sm to twins ss14 and sd14 and bm to bs10 and bs4.
Struggling with steplife at times as my ss14 has a drug/alchol habit and a habit of stealing as well.

My sd14 is no more of a problem than any 14yr old girl.
She is with us every weekend most of the time although ss is currently ban from the ole homestead as my bs4 found his "stash".
needless to say I was not to happy.