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OT - SO is asking my parents for my hand in marriage tonight!

CBCharlotte's picture

OK that sounded very old fashioned haha.

SO and I have been together almost 3.5 years. We went ring shopping 6 months ago and he finally went and designed one about a month ago (I know because I had to go get sized).

I am a bit old fashioned in some ways, and my parents are old school italian and would be DEVASTATED if he proposed without talking to them (they have both told me).

I made it VERY CLEAR he needed to talk to my parents first, and then his daughters, before he asked.

We have been through SO MUCH together and I can't wait for the next step in our lives.

I'm not really sure how my parents will handle it. SO and I are 20 years apart. He is 50, I am 27. They like him....he is a great guy, great dad, etc. this just, as they put it, "isn't the life we ever pictured for you".

I totally get that. I never grew up imagining I would be a stepmom to 4 kids at 27 with a husband 20 years older, but you can't help who you love! They see he makes me happy and treats me well, so that is what matters to them. This will just be the "death of the idea" that I will "wake up" and change my mind and walk away. They would love me to find a nice 30-35 year old with no kids and a good job and pick that life.

I like the life I've chosen. We have a very unconventional relationship, what with skids and BMs and age gaps, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I hope they take it well and of course give him minimal trouble. I am sure they will grill him on his intentions for our future, money, kids, etc, all of which we have discussed.

Sorry, just off on a tangent. I'm excited but nervous for him! We live in NC. My parents live in PA. I am in MD for work, and SO is in PA for work so he is going to their house. He is there now! AAAHHH!!!

UPDATE - the next morning :
OK so he didn't ask, and I actually agree with him why. Since we live 10+ hours away from my parents, he has never spent any time alone with them. He felt it would be presumptuous to show up to their house without me for the first time and then ask to take me away. He spent 3 hours there just talking and laughing. He said it seemed like they expected him to ask, but he didn't. We are going to be back for Thanksgiving and I think he will probably ask then.

I was a little annoyed at first, but now that I reflected on it I actually think it was the right thing to do. He really loved spending time there and said he can't wait to be in our family. His whole family (mom, dad, and brother) live in England so he definitely misses that family feeling.


Indigo's picture

Quietly laughing to myself since the age gap thing is something that I wrestled with 2 years ago. FDH is 69 and I'm 52. We knew each other in college 27 years ago. I must say that an 18 year gap at my advanced decrepit menopausal age is way different than it would have been years ago. (For instance when we first met. It would not have worked, different places in our lives.) To think, I was one month old when he graduated from high school back in 1963.

Good luck to you and congratulations.