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Just another week

Casper3's picture

Well, this week BM texted DH with the news that SS12 got in a bike accident and had to have stitches. Her next words were "you will have to take him to Urgent Care on Saturday to have them removed".

1. I don't care about taking SS12 to get stitches out but is it really such an emergency as to pay the extra to Urgent Care (Not covered by the insurance DH pays for) to have it done? Why not take him to his doc on Monday and just pay the $20 copay.

2. (And this one really chaps my butt) "You will have to..." WTF. Every time she texts or speaks to DH or yours truly, she has a sentence that starts with this. Now, really, I don't mind helping out but I do mind others, i.e BM, making random chore lists for me or my family on our days off. I work full time and run a family. Like I need BM making plans for me. She may have all this extra time being a stay at home mom but I treasure my time off with my DH and BD2. Over the past 3 months here is the list of plans she has made for us on our visitation weekends:

4/12. SS10 broke his glasses. "You will need to" get them fixed. SS12 is out of meds. "You will have to" go get some.

4/26. SS12 needs meds. "You will have to go get him some."

5/10. SS12 has a swim meet on Sunday "you will have to have him there by 9:15". This means getting everyone up, breakfasted, dressed and out the door by 6:00 to drive 2 hours to have him there and registered in time. DH was never consulted about any of this and see my previous post about how I feel about his little swim meet.

5/24. BM says they are taking the kids to an event and we "will have to" drop them off early. Also SS10 broke his glasses and we "will have to" go get them fixed.

6/7. SS12 has another meet so "you will have to have him there by 9:15". Ditto 5/10 notes

6/21. SS12 needs stitches out so "you will have to" go get it done.

None of these things is really hard or even really expensive but I hate having BM tell me what my chores are at the weekends. So this time, I told DH to tell her no. We would be happy to take the stitches out at home if it was so important that they come out Saturday but I will not be taking him anywhere for that. We have plans!!!!!!!

Well, that's my bitch for the day. Check with me after the dreaded weekend and I will probably have more. Wink


2Bloved's picture

Do it yourself. They're just stitches. If he's squeamish, wait until he's asleep.