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c-mom's Blog

The last straw, and now she is gone for good.

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So, ever since Christmas, both children have been excessively bad and disrespectful. Just so happens, that is about the time BM started calling again. Of course, she only called regularly for the first week and then it was back to hit or miss but we were staying out of it because the skids (13 and 10) got phones for Christmas. We figure, let them see for themselves for once that all of her lies about DH not letting her call were exactly that, lies. Well, to sum up the last two months... SD13 has had ONE GOOD BEHAVIOR report from school since returning from Christmas break.

Had a talk with the SKIDS at dinner Thursday

c-mom's picture

So, I spent Thursday with my pastor and his wife. Meant to talk about my dad but the conversation evolved to me and the skids. He said that I need to try again to be a friend, and nothing but a friend, to skids so we are going with that. At dinner I explained to them that I really would like things to change around here. I want it to go back to how it was when we used to enjoy being with each other. I told them I was going to try, only one more time, to be their friend and that I would really like them to try to change their attitudes as well so I am willing to make the first move.

The b*tch is back......

c-mom's picture

Well, BM took a two month long vacay and conveniently showed back up wanting to play mommy the night before Christmas Eve. She text at 9pm saying "All I want for Christmas is to see my babies. That would make me so happy. I'm doing better, I'm finally getting my life straight." Uhh..... she is sleeping on DH's best friend's couch. We still know her every move. She still has no job, leeching off of best friend and his roommates, can find the money for her beer, pills, weed, and cigarettes but still not paying a dime in CS and she thinks that is getting her life straight???!!!

Disengaging just became the easiest thing in the world!

c-mom's picture

Thanks to my new job, disengaging just became so easy. The day before I got my new job SS10 was trying to pin something he did on his sister so I spoke up and told his dad what I knew (I think he thought because I said I was done with parenting them that I meant I wouldn't communicate with my husband about them either? BAHAHA) and when I said what I said, SS turned around and yelled at me. Well, he got in BIG trouble for yelling at me on top of the little punishment that he was to get for what he had done.

Is DH setting me up for failure?

c-mom's picture

Recently I posted in General Discussion about skids being too young to listen according to DH? We told SS10 for four days straight to bring one of his three bikes up by the house because we have a neighborhood thief. This is an ongoing issue with SS. He had his bike sitting inside the gate by the road. One the fourth day of telling him to get it and put it up by the house, he moved it outside the gate next to the road and put a for sale sign on it.

Way to go DH!

c-mom's picture

:jawdrop: So, yesterday was Thanksgiving. I've mentioned before that DH wakes up in a really bad mood on any holiday or important day because of the 12 years of waking up to Medusa on holidays. Well, I never mentioned that his kids normally wake up in the same kind of moods. But yesterday DH woke up in a great mood and he was as pleasant any normal day and that lasted all day long. I guess I have finally proven to him that all women are not the same.

I can't stand how angry I am

c-mom's picture

Today in church I sat in the third row. In the first row was a couple with a baby about two months old. They were both loving on the baby and holding each other. In the second row right in front of me was a couple who had a toddler and she was probably about 8 months pregnant. He was holding the little boy loving on him and kept reaching over and rubbing her belly. I was sitting next to SD (who we recently realized is a sexual predator and thus we are forced to stop trying to concieve) and my skin was crawling with jealousy toward the couples and hatred toward SD. Grrrr!!!

Karma really IS a b*tch!

c-mom's picture

So, DH and I had to drive through BM's town to get where we were going yesterday and the highway department had the inmates out there working so of course there she was walking her ass down the highway past them. If you have read any of my prior posts you know that BM loves to get on her soap box about me being a "big fat f*cking b*tch" because she has up until now been a crackhead and thus extremely skinny. Well, someone got off the crack *clap, clap, clap* not too long ago (if she would get off the rest of the stuff she would be good to go) and started gaining weight immediately.

I can't stand to even look at or hear SD right now.

c-mom's picture

So, first let me start off with some history about SD 13 who has slight mental disabilities (Basically she just has a very low IQ and speech impediment). She is always hanging all over anybody who will let her which was, at first, only annoying. I didn't see any real problem with it, just thought she was really clingy. We started to try to curb this behavior but didn't see any harm in it so we didn't go all out and tell her she isn't allowed to hug people.

Just another annoying double standard.

c-mom's picture

So get this. I have spoiled nephew tomorrow who is a mouthy little brat when his parents are aroundbecause they are the type that tell him a million times if he does ------ again they are going to do ------. The punishments never come though he keeps on. DH has never seen me with nephew without brother and sil. He is an angel because he knows if i tell him to stop, the next thing will be a punishment. WELL...... dh does not have a job lined up for tomorrow but refuses to spend the day with me because I will have nephew.
