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BSgoinon's picture

What kind of a mom drops her child and a car seat off at a mall (and this is a HUGE mall) and drives off? And they write this story as though this is ok???


Glassslipper's picture

OMG! I can understand not wanting to interact with an Ex or BM at drop off, but for the love of GOD you don't drop a 3 year old off in a public place with NO ONE there and hope the father finds it!
A 3 year old... NICE BM....REALLY NICE!

Evil stepmonster's picture

I really hope they do not give that woman back that little girl. Thank God for those parking attendents.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

WYF indeed! I can't imagine leaving a THREE-year-old alone at a mall! I hope the "mother" was arrested. You know if it was a STEPmother that had done it, it would be front page news and lynch mobs would be descending on L.A.