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Only 4 more days till ss7 is here for 3months

briarmommy's picture

I am counting down the days and can feel my blood pressure rising all ready. My husband is trying to get mon. and tues. off work to help transition him into a summer routine, hopefully that will help. I am just so anxious and worried about how this summer is going to work out. Last summer was bad and ss7 has gotten increasingly worse in behavior since then. So it will be me, my baby and ss7 almost all summer by ourselfs while my husband works mon-fri 3-11, I am already nausous. I have a plan I layed out in another blog to try to have some structure, I really think this boy is desperate for structure. He will be on his ADD medicine, so hopefully that will help a lot. But now it looks like he may not go back after this summer. BM is letting her convict brother(felony counts of drug distribution and child endangermant) move in with her, and instead of ss7 going to a women who has a kid at his school the nights she works she is going to leave ss7 with the convict as guardien. My husband says if this is going to happen he is going to go after custody with more vigor. Now I know this is best for ss7, to come up here where it is steady and there is no convicts living under the roof, but part of me is sick at the thought. The crazy thing is I would take in a strangers child if I knew they were in a bad situation with no thought at all, but this child it makes me sick and its an obligation not a want. Don't blast me for that, I will help my husband get full custody in any way I can because it is the right thing to do at this juncture but I am reserving the right to have a little pity party over it for awhile. Its just so scary, I was nervous about him coming for three months and now I relize there is real posibility it will become so much more then that. I think I need to go to a psychitrist and work on some of these issues I have with him, also because of my high blood pressure and other health problems I am supposed to try to remain calm so maybe I need an anti anxiaty med. or something. All I know is I can't go on like it is now feeling sick everytime the boy is here, its not good for me and not fair to him, even if he is a snot nossed brat with no respect for me.


alwaysanxious's picture

No blasting here. I have antianxiety meds just for this type of surprise situation.

I get sick every visit too. We just feel stuck and that is the part that gets to us the most.

briarmommy's picture

Thats it, thats what other people don't understand, its the feeling stuck like we have no control over our own life