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It's 5 o'clock somewhere.

Bradymom's picture

My kids aren't here. Step kids are. Not very jolly. Pretty much everything SS13 does or says is annoying to me. Beee I'm thinking perhaps I need a beverage (or 6)

Everything he says is an argument. Cinnamon rolls. Can I have two? ...Yes. Finish the first one first. ...Why can't I take two now? I'll finish it. ...Take one. Finish it. Come back. ---Proceed to pout. *let the record be known, they are big ass cinnamon rolls & he always throws good away. !!!This is a victory to be celebrated, that DH said take one & stuck to it. Hooray!!! A Christmas miracle.

Still thinking I need to start drinking.


Bradymom's picture

Thanks! Smile ugh. Seriously the holidays bring out the crazy in these already but job BMs. *passes the bottle back to you, motions you to tip back on it yourself* Smile