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more birthday drama...

borrowedtime83's picture

So some of you may have read my previous blog about step grandma trying to take over BD5's birthday. I hadn't heard anything else about it til last night when we were laying in bed ready to go to sleep and SO just randomly says, "So we have to pick up scooters (yes scooterS plural as in multiple scooters), my mom is picking them up some yard games. I was like "What do you mean WE have to pick up SCOOTERS?" Silence... And then "Well, SD8 didn't get a birthday gift from me yet." I was instantly infuriated and started to say something, but I was like "You know what forget it, it's too late to get into this." And he so obviously does not get it. So then I get scoffed at and he says "oh, so you're mad at me now?!" Idiot! You could have bought your little beeznach daughter a birthday gift and had a party for her at any point during her actual birthday month, this is MY kids birthday. I have a feeling there is gonna be a blow out on this tonight.


Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

So the date and month of his kids birthday has passed and NOW he wants to get her a gift? Because your kid's gonna get presents? And he doesnt want her to feel left out? Maybe she wouldnt feel left out if he y'know, celebrated her birthday

imjustthemaid's picture

I would be fuming mad over this!!! Its your kids birthday and she should not have to share. Its one day a year they get to feel special and I would tell him that.

giveitago's picture

They are NOT TWINS!! They are individual chldren, young people, and a birthday only happens once a year unless you are the queen of England! Tell him 'we' need to pick up more than two scooters, her friends all want one too!

bi's picture

i took bd to get a manicure one year for her bday. fdh and sd were with us. we had been having a lot of problems (sd and me) and i was still in that stage of knowing deep down it would never work, but not openly admitting it yet, so i was trying to make things better. (i do not even attempt it anymore. she is almost 20 and i don't have to try anymore). she asked me if she could get one, too. i paid for the bitch to get her nails done. i shouldn't have done it. bd doesn't get anything for sd's bday. but that's how it goes. we are always expected to do stupid, unfair crap just because if we don't, we might as well lead poor gretel into the forest to die. it was partly my own fault, but i was still put on the spot.

bi's picture

i think any forest will do. just lead them into it with promises of shopping trips and new cars and cell phones and money for nothing, all the while telling them how sorry you are for not recognizing their almighty importance and begging for forgiveness for not recognizing how lucky you were that they CHOSE you to treat like shit over everyone else when they could have just ignored you. then when you're deep enough in the forest, you tell them how you really feel and walk on out the other side while they stand there in shock trying to absorb that SURPRISE! they're still not the center of your world. those bitches would never find their way out on their own. they need someone to carry them so they don't scuff up their new shoes, and we all know you don't get cell service in the woods. }:)

borrowedtime83's picture

Yep. I counted, it will be 3 months and one day to SD8's actual birthday when my child has her party, so I find it beyond ridiculous that SD is being "celebrated" that day as well. SO gave the excuse that he could not "afford" a gift/party on her real birthday due to his business start-up costs. If he would have come to me and said, "Hey, SD's birthday is coming up and I can't afford a present or a get together, can you help me out?" I would have bitten my tongue and hosted/paid for the party and bought some gifts, because I would hope if it was me he would do the same for my child. But now the more I think about it, the madder I am getting at SO. Right now, from where I am sitting, it looks like he is mooching off of my kid's party just as much as his mother is hijacking it. I set up the date for the party, I will be buying food, cake, decorations, etc... And he probably thinks that I will be paying for the TWO scooters as well, since we often go shopping together. I mean, go buy your kid a late birthday gift if you so feel the need, but don't give it to her at MY child's party and try to take the party I planned and hand it over to SD. I fail to see how this is either fair or logical.

BuffaloGal's picture

Well it can't happen if you don't let it. You can tell him & his mom no. You don't even have to justify it.

borrowedtime83's picture

Well, no, it's not going to happen that way, but I have a feeling this is going to be a big family drama once we actually have the discussion about this. His family is not aware that I have "disengaged", and SO has chosen to blind himself to the fact that I have not only disengaged and have told him I had and explained it to him. So once they find out the real deal, I'm going to be this big bitch who purposely is out to be mean and hurt poor SD. They (his sister and mom mostly) are the ones who are so worried about things being "fair" between the girls to the point of being upset with me because I painted and redecorated my daughter's room with my own time and $ and didn't do SD8's room as well. My little girl was so excited and told Step-grandma and step-aunt about her new curtains and that her room was pretty purple, and they were all snotty like "Well, what color did SD8 get HER room painted?! What color curtains did SD8 get?" Um, none cuz her frickin' dad didn't buy any beezy! They say this crap to me, and all the time buy SD8 toys and clothes, buy all her school supplies and a new wardrobe every fall, they take her on special zoo trips and other trips, and never buy a thing for my kid or ever offer to take her on the trips. And never once do I say "Well, what did you get MY kid?" They are such hypocrites.

BuffaloGal's picture

It sucks kris. You shouldn't have to tell adults, "Hey, my daughter is a PERSON. She's not a walk-on part in the SD Movie." Unfair to her and you. And ultimately, unfair to SD when she gets out in the big old world and no one gives a tinker's damn about her - the shock could kill her! }:)

borrowedtime83's picture

I agree... Some of my favorite lines to the kids are "No one cares about your feelings as much as you do" "You can't legally own property til you turn 18, so everything you think that belongs to you in this house is ACTUALLY mine!" I have had the life is not fair talk with BD quite a few times, and it makes her sad, but that is life. I don't want my kid growing up thinking that she is entitled to get the same thing that everyone else gets all the time. Why not let stuck up little SD see that her precious grammy and papa and dad and whoever else couldn't get it together and plan a party her?