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Know what defies the laws of physics by simultaneously sucking and blowing?

boogeymom's picture

Having the damn skids every time there's a 3-day weekend. Every time we have a holiday weekend, it happens to fall on a weekend we have them. Ugh! I'm actually opting to go to work on Monday for a few hours just so I can get out of the house, because I would rather be throwing out my back trying to teach a kid with Autism how to ride his two-wheeler bike than stay home so the ADHD twins can drive me completely up the wall. That is where I am mentally now.


boogeymom's picture

I have to work 2.5 hours, but the kids' house is 40 minutes away, so right there is almost an hour and a half of drive time alone. It's a good half-day. By the time I get home, it'll probably be close to 1:00, and maybe I'll run some errands after work, so only a few hours left after that... At least on Saturday I'm getting my hair done, which always takes 1/2 the day, too, so that's also awesome.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I always schedule my hair appointments for skid weekends. I still get my hair done in my old town so I have a two hour round trip. So it only makes sense to spend Friday night at my best friend's house in that town the night before and have a meal with be22 after my appt. Yes, I turn a hair appointment into a 24 hour trip away from here.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Four-day weekend here- and they're alllllll Mommy's this time! Hehehe. }:)

mommabear's picture

Same here.. BM likes to go out of town without her kids.. just her and her BF.. so she always finds a way to flip the weekend schedule so that the 3 day weekend falls on OUR weekend. Here's the thing.. she works at a school, so she gets those 3 day weekends, DH and I work for an oil company and we do NOT get 95% of those 3 day weekends.. yet she expects us to keep them Sunday nights also, and we can "just take a vacation day on Monday, or something..".. bitch.. pisses me off. Just once, I would like to enjoy one of these 3 day weekends out of town with DH.. and I told her so, yesterday. I told her that next year, whether she likes it or not, Memorial Day weekend is hers.. for the last 5 years in a row, we have had them while she goes out of town on a mini-vacation and I'm over it. DH doesn't have the balls to stand up to her and tell her that, so I did! }:)