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Day 5: Why are my Skids such p*ssies?

boogeymom's picture

Oh my God, after Day 4 came and went and everything was fine, now we're onto day 5 of 7 (hopefully not Dirol in a row with these damn kids...could they be any bigger babies if they tried? SS12 is talking about how this video game is so scary to him (it's Zelda...not exactly Silent Hill, for those who are familiar), and SS10 is flipping out from this "HUGE" spider that was crawling on the floor (tiny spider, btw). Really? I thought there were pre-teen BOYS in the house, not pre-school GIRLS. I guess they act that way because everyone treats them like pre-school girls. If she knows what's good for her, BM will pick her semen demons up on Saturday on her way back from the IS her weekend this weekend. And do you know that one of them actually had the nerve to try and stay up late to do homework when he got out of school on a half-day today? Apparently DH told him SEVERAL times to do it earlier before karate, and he just NOW decided he was going to do it. DH was like, "You know what? You should've done it earlier like I told you to a billion times. Time to hit the shower and get ready for bed." He's crying because he's now going to get a bad grade on it (this kid is supposedly gunning for the gifted-talented program...yeahright) and he's getting all pissy at DH. DH said, "Guess what. You don't get to be mad at me when YOU are the one who decided to dilly-dally and screw around all afternoon when you could've been doing it. Sorry. Now go to bed." I was cracking up. I know this is because BM does their homework for them sometimes (so it's actually a mystery to me that this kid is up for g/t since BM doesn't have the brain power to do 5-7 grade homework). Oh well, bad grade it is, maybe he'll learn...but probably not.


DeeDeeTX's picture

I guess the word doesn't shock me very much because I worked in some jobs where there was a lot of vulgar language used, so I am used to it. I can understand it would shock others more though.

Anyway, if your SS are really this wimpy, they are probably going to get teased and mocked at school (a 10 year old boy screaming because of a tiny spider is going to be picked on mercilessly by his classmates, assuming he does this stuff at school.)

I would maybe bring it up with your husband from a place of concern, and say, "Hey, I'm worried about SS and how these behaviors might make him a target for bullies. Could you have a word with him?"