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Come on, DH, take them home already!

boogeymom's picture

Oh f me, I'm gonna need for DH to take the skids home, like, 30 minutes ago. Here's the deal, DH and BM switched the one night a week we have them from Thursday to Friday when SS14 started high school, but this is the first Friday we've actually had them since this started that it also hasn't been our weekend with them. So what I DIDN'T think about all this time was how late exactly these semen demons are going to actually be at my house on Saturdays. It is now 10:15 am, everyone has been fed breakfast, now they need to go away. Unfortunately, between DH's clock-watching disability, the fact that the skids are now playing video games which will make the getting-ready-to-leave process about an hour and a half longer, and the fact that BM honestly doesn't care or want them back all that badly, I have a horrible feeling that Friday nights only will soon turn into having them half of the day or MORE on Saturdays, and we will end up having them for half the weekend on the weekends that AREN'T OURS. I know I need to probably give DH some kind of time limit or something, like that they need to be back to BM's house by 11:30 or noon, because sincerely, I do not want them here all day long. I'm HOPING BM will take the initiative and give him a time-frame (or come get them herself...ha!), but she won't, especially now that she has a new BF. I think what I'm going to do is do the thing of asking him, "So, what time did you and BM agree they needed to be home by on Saturdays?" Like I'm just curious to know, and not that I'm trying to kick them out...though I'm pretty sure DH will see right through that. Still, it's better than saying, "Ugh, can you just get your kids OUT of here already?!?" Like I mentioned, it's now 10:20...I'm betting they'll finally LEAVE here sometime between noon and 1:00 because they are slower than molasses in a Canadian January when it comes to getting their butts in gear. All 3 of them.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Ugh, when we had SD EOWE, when we lived in NJ, it drove me CRAZY when FDH and GUBM would just fly by the seat of their pants over visitation. There was never a set time for SD to show up, nor a set time for her to go home. As I've mentioned in previous blog posts, I have an anxiety disorder and one of my anxiety triggers is a lack of predictability or uncertainty. So, every weekend SD would be with us, I would be a huge ball of anxiety just because FDH and GUBM couldn't pull their heads out of their backsides long enough to decide "GUBM will drop SD off at x time on his Friday's and FDH will drop SD off at y time on Sunday at the end of his weekends."

Hell, right now, we're still up in the air about how long SD will be here in November. All FDH knows is some point after Thanksgiving. So, the Friday after? The Saturday after? Christmas?? ARGH! I just need to know!

boogeymom's picture

I DON'T have anxiety disorder and I'm a giant ball of anxiety when it comes to the skids. I just hate waiting around to see what's happening for the day behind these two. PS, as predicted, we didn't even leave the house until, like, 12:30 to take them away.