It's been a whole year!
That I've been a member of step talk. I love having this site as a resource.......I think I'm a different person than I was a year ago. So much has changed, alot of it due to the advice I've gotten here. Alot of it due to having somewhere to fuss other than at my husband's ear.
Thanks Dawn and Admin for creating a site like this one.
I've been through alot on here........ruthless attacks, people making fun of my dog being stolen, snarky comments, etc. But, without the help from the people here with the huge hearts I don't think my waters would be so calm.
Thank you ST members for advising me, talking me off the cliff several times, and just always being here!
- BMJen's blog
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Well, I haven't been here
Well, I haven't been here nearly as long as you, but may I say, YOU ROCK! I hope you're on here for another 10 years! (you'll have to tell me about the stolen dog sometime). Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary pretty
Happy Anniversary pretty lady:) Sounds like an excuse to drink tonight...oh wait, I forgot I don't need an excuse I'm A STEPMOM! lol
~“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"~ Audrey Hepburn
Lol! I think I'll pass on
Lol! I think I'll pass on the drink and hit the TV for some "Survivor". I LOVE that show!
Thanks No more Faking, I think you rock to!
LOL! It better not ever die
LOL! It better not ever die either.........I look forward to it all year long! I'm a reality queen. Love those stupid shows. It just sucks me in........I hate it when they have Real World/Road Rules marathons. I take that back, DH will never let me veg in front of the TV for hours on end watching reality shows.............ah......the single life! LOL
Yep, I loved it to! DH
Yep, I loved it to! DH watched it with me to! LOL!
I actually thought it was very surprising that YOU watched that show!!!!
The shows just suck you right in I tell ya.
LOL, I'm with you tonight.
LOL, I'm with you tonight. Dang, I hope someone runs their shoe up Russell's ass sideways!
NO!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE
NO!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Russell!!!! I know he's so stupid, so full of himself, etc........but I honestly hope the dude wins. First DH and I hated him.......even DH is laughing at some of the stuff he is doing now. I think he's great and hope he wins!
Who do you want to win? If you say Shambo I'm gonna hurt ya.
Actually, I'm rooting for
Actually, I'm rooting for Shambo (believe it or not). She's the only one on that piss-poor team of 20-somethings that actually does something besides MEDITATE! There's always the slackers and the workers. I like the workers. And go figure, they're usually the older ones. I see your point about Russell though. He IS playing the game, but he's just too underhanded for my taste. Reminds me of manipulative SD. HA!
Oh that's it.....I'm on my
Oh that's it.....I'm on my way over!
I get that about Shambo, she is some sense. I think her honesty is first and foremost. But I highly doubt she will win, you have to be able to outwit, outlast, and outplay to win that game! I could never do it.
I wanted to sign DH up, he would have a fort the size of the Holiday Inn, buttttt.....Then I remembered his short ass fuse and that he would be in a fight the first day, so that's not gonna work.
But if I ever try to get him on, I actually think they would accept him, I would tell everyone here so you could all cheer for my DH!
Yeah, I don't think I'd do
Yeah, I don't think I'd do very well on that show. You have to be a sneaky little shit to win. Now Amazing Race, I could SO do that one!
Speaking of
Speaking of Survivor...wouldn't a reality show about mixed families be a lot more interesting than some of these others about families...I think it would be great way for step parents to get more recognition and the biological parents to get exposed for being the butthead parents that they often are...Like get them exposed for using thier kids as pawns and putting the min the middle.
Yes! I would damn sure
Yes! I would damn sure watch that show every single time it came on!
Happy Anniversary Jen!.... I
Happy Anniversary Jen!.... I am a Survivor junkie myself...I have seen every damn season...LOL....don't count out the rocket scientist kid...LOL...silent power....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
Yeah, you do have a good
Yeah, you do have a good point there Lotus! Usually the most brazen peeps are the ones that almost make it but just don't.
Richard Hatch made it, and Boston Rob, those guys were ever bit as sneaky as Russell! So maybe he has a shot, but I just don't know about it yet.......I think when they merge the other team is going to pick them off one at a time. Russell may find a way in, but I doubt it.
Glad you are here! HUGS
Glad you are here!
Stepmomjen, I've only been
I've only been on this site for a week and I already feel a difference. I have a venting place. A place for advice from people who have really been through it. I have found that much of the expert advice that is out there is not for the real people, either the experts have never been through a mixed family situation and don't know what its like, or they are so damn wealthy that their plethera of resources makes it a lot easier to deal with the mixed family situation.
I like this this site its real people who ahve been there and done that. Real people who have tried the "tried and true advice" and found it does not work, real people who have learned from thier own mistakes, real people who somedays love their step kids one day and the next day really wish they did not have stepkids reaking havoc in thier lives. I like this site because people can be truly honest about their feelings, yes you may go under attack but there is always at least on person who sees our point of view that sometimes is the only one person in our lives to see our point of view...And it is wonderful to have s oudnign board other than our husbands...or our own families...I know when I complain to my family I either get why do you stay in that situation or, you knew what you wree getting into when you got married...This site people understand that we can still love our spouses (and get really frustrated with them) but not love all the extra baggage...we can even love our step kids but not like the way the are. and this site you can find support,validation and advice that is real...
I took steps before this site to look at this situation better. I can even say that on some days I am "friends" with BM...we decided to for the most part bury the hatchet and respect each other (as much as we can there are still things I cants stand about her but she does not need to know that to keep some peace between us) One day we can be getting a long and on good terms she even sent me a BFF friend request on facebook which I did not know exist and I think i ignored because friends for the sake of the kids yes...BFF - never because things will go smooth then next the phone rings and her irrationality makes my blood boil...
This sight helps me sound off in just one week i have seen a transformation, i feel enlightened and some of the alone feeling that I felt as a step mom has already gone away. In the week that I have been a member I even got the courage to express my heartfelt feelings to my teenage stepkids and we bonded... so I can't wait to see what a year is like.
Congratulations Stepmom Jen on your journey and I hope this stie continues to help you change for the better.