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SS shares with me bc he can't w SO

bluehighlighter's picture

I'm glad SS8 can talk to me about his BMs step children. But I get tired of hearing about them. Every time he and I are alone he wants to talk about them and his mom. I think it's because SO isn't very positive when he mentions them. I'm very positive and just listen. I'm sure the kid feels left out as BM disappeared to the other side if the country again w two kids. That she's been living w kids that aren't him. I really wish I could punch her in the face for getting his hopes up and even bothering to try to be part of his life for a few months after not for years and years. Idk what to do other than be positive and listen to him. I have to admit though I really get tired of hearing about ppl that don't give a shit about him. Any advice for this?


bluehighlighter's picture

He has a child psychologist and SO and I both go to speak to her before his appointments so I'll bring it up with her and start documenting it. I do feel bad for him, I put on a positive face and then later I almost cry for him by myself. It sucks I hate they did this crap to him. Glad he can talk