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bluehighlighter's picture

I told SO I'm moving in at the end of May or end of June. This is stupid to pay to live somewhere else when I'm here every single day. We went two weeks with me not being here for three nights each week. That's all we could last. We aren't arguing anymore and have worked out a lot of issues w SS8 and boundaries around us as a couple. I sent him an email last night while he was studying and I was here. He read it and said nothing. He's afraid of getting divorced which is stupid since we aren't married yet. A lot of great changes have happened and it's really stupid to act like we are living separately. It's also very expensive.

"I am moving here at the end of June. That will happen. I love you but I'm here all the time. Not moving is going to hinder us from moving forward, create greater resentment and stunt progress. End of May or end of June but one of those is happening. I'm not going past June it will be end of May or end of June."

I was supposed to move in March and that didn't happen and really putting it off is just delaying "ripping the band aid off".


Willow2010's picture

Wait...isn't this the man who told you he did NOT want you to move in?

I honestly think you need to rethink this and live separately until skid is much older. I did this and I know it was the only reason DH and I stayed together so long. I know we would have divorced if we had lived together when SS was that age.

It feels like you are pushing yourself on this man...?

EDIT TO ADD!! Please go back and read your post from just this month. That should talk you out of moving in with this man and hid kid! I still am floored as to why you really want to move in with him. The issues will not disappear when you move in. They will be magnified!

Disneyfan's picture

:? :? :?

It was clear in the blog you posted yesterday that he isn't ready to live with you. Why are you trying to force something this man clearly doesn't want? Not arguing for a few weeks doesn't mean he wants to live with his girlfriend.

When my son was a minor, I made it a point not to live with anyone I dated. My first priority was to be a parent to my son. I knew having a boyfriend live with us would change the dynamic of our home. I did not want that. Dating and spending time at each other's home was fine for me. Living together was not. Based on what you have posted about your boyfriend, he seems to be of the same mindset.

bluehighlighter's picture

We are living together is the point and have been since last September. It's dumb to keep living like this and wasting money . He doesn't want me to not be there he wants me there all the time with him as a family and then is not pulling the band aid off when it comes to finalizing stuff.
The past three weeks even though we set up this "i'll stay at my place for 3 days" I haven't. He's thought up of some excuse that he wants me there the entire week with him.

thinkthrice's picture

Exactly, I would give anything to say "NO" when guilty daddy showed up on my doorstep that fateful July day in '03!!!!

Willow2010's picture

Well this is one of those time when it can truly and honestly be said....

"You know what you are getting into."

hereiam's picture

Believe it or not, having your own place but being at his most of the time is different than living together.

Moving in together should not be thought of as "ripping the band aid off".

Hanny's picture

You don't have to go back far...just read your last blog, and if this doesn't remind you why you need your own place, nothing will. You are never happy when this child is around, do you really think anything is going to change just because you live together?

misSTEP's picture

This is like the unhappily married couple who thinks that things will be perfect if only they have a(nother) baby. Not good.